Everything I Never Told You 笔记8
1. Lydia snuggled deeper into her mother’s arms, and by the time they reached the last page, she was almost asleep.
依偎,舒适地蜷卧;If you snuggle somewhere, you settle yourself into a warm, comfortable position, especially by moving closer to another person.
The baby snuggled in the arms of his mother.
2. Nath pouted in the corner, flicking the edges of his folder, but no one paid any attention to him until his father came into the kitchen.
恼怒或性感地撅嘴;If someone pouts, they stick out their lips, usually in order to show that they are annoyed or to make themselves sexually attractive.
3. When they turned, dutifully, to him, he was tongue-tied, because his father—still seared by the memory of a smashed television and his son’s slapped face, did not ever want to hear about space.”
sear 本义是烧灼;灼伤;灼痛;If something sears a part of your body, it causes a painful burning feeling there. 这里是内心受到伤害如身体被灼伤会留下印迹一样,刺痛。
He was still seared by the broken cup on the ground when he came back home.
Everything in their life—their mother, their father, even he himself—slid, now, toward Lydia. Like gravity, there was no resisting it. Everything orbited her. ... Even without Lydia, the world would not level. He and his parents and their lives would spin into the space where she had been. They would be pulled into the vacuum she left behind.
...He did not mind this permanent state of eclipse: every evening, Lydia rapped at his door, silent and miserable.
Marilyn是自私的,为了延续自己梦想,她把全部的时间和关心全给了Lydia, Nath被完全忽视了, 甚至一个小小煮蛋的愿望也不能如愿。James总在Nath身上看到自己少年时的影子,所以他总是有心无心的玩笑总会象一根针一样刺痛Nath。Nath成了典型的妈妈不疼爸爸不爱的孩子。于是在Lydia五岁那年,趁着父母外出,保姆打盹的功夫,Nath溜出家门,Lydia跟着哥哥来到湖边。在湖边,Nath把对父母的不满完全怪罪在妹妹身上,在短短的几秒钟内心经历了各种挣扎,从把妹妹推到湖里到把她拖出湖里。Lydia落水事件之后,Nath成了Lydia精神支柱,唯一不让她独单的人。又是一件家庭的秘密,只有两个人的秘密,各不相同的秘密。“All her life, Lydia would remeber one thing. All his life, Nath would remember another."