The 6am challenge
Recently I watched a vlog from Casey Neistat, in which he interviewed Jocko Willink, former Navy SEAL. In this interview, they talked about their daily routine and why people should start wake up early.
A lot interesting thoughts came out of the interview, but one thing that stood out was, "by waking up earlier, it gives you 'me' time". By waking up early at 4:30am, usually everyone else is still asleep, that means nothing happens in social media, no body is texting you, etc. Before everyone wakes up at 7am or 8am, you get yourself around 3-ish hours to just focus on whatever you need to do, and NOT get distracted. For some people, it could be writing or reading. For others, it could be go out for a run and enjoy sun rise. etc.
Ever since we came back home, and being a first time parents, our life is less organized than it use to be, sometimes even chaotic. One of the problems we face is not having enough time to be "alone" and focus on things. By trying to accomplish things, either work or life, we found ourself constantly staying up late at night trying to do more, squeezing our sleep, then the next day being a Mr. Grumpy.
Why I'm challenge myself now? To be honest, I don't have a clear answer yet. But with all the tasks in hand, I somehow feel it's time to start changing and take control back in my hand.
So here is what I'm gonna do:
- Trying to wake up at 6am everyday for 7 days. So before 9am I start my work, I got 3 hours to focus on my tasks.
- Every night, write a blog about it for 7 days.
- See what happens after 7 days.