Growth, from a seed to a flower成

2017-09-28  本文已影响0人  小暇
Growth, from a seed to a flower成长,从一粒种子到一朵花!

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Growth, from a seed to a flower成长,从一粒种子到一朵花!

ln my 11 years’ teaching career, English teaching was mostly based on traditional teaching, such as teaching words, reciting texts, remembering grammars, exams and so on.


Growth, from a seed to a flower成长,从一粒种子到一朵花!

Everyone calls me a teaching teacher over the years. l have been labeled as“ high marks” by my colleagues. l have been labeled as “full marks” by parents for all these years. But l knowlittle about English course.


Growth, from a seed to a flower成长,从一粒种子到一朵花!

Last summer holiday, l came to lnternationalSchool to join in training and followed the team to study and practice. And l have gradually gained some new experience on the way of teaching.


Growth, from a seed to a flower成长,从一粒种子到一朵花!

At first, l took the team to learn how to create a PowerPoint presentation of English songs and perform English interesting dubbing. Happened to be at this time, Principal Nie mentioned the fairy tale drama to me and it made me excited!


Growth, from a seed to a flower成长,从一粒种子到一朵花!

ln the process of playing , our learning ability and reading ability unconsciously reached a new height, it also completely refreshed my understanding of English learning and teaching.


Growth, from a seed to a flower成长,从一粒种子到一朵花!


There are many versions of Chinese scripts in NanMing Course materials. And every teacher will rewrite the script based on the actual situation of their own classroom. l read each version of the script carefully , and finally l revised it on the basis of the script adapted by teacher Chen Meili, and set the play for “The Little Prince”.


Growth, from a seed to a flower成长,从一粒种子到一朵花!

The choice of the script is a challenge for me. Now that l have to be able to fit the English language of my children and express the meaning of the original, l really can’t handle it !After understanding my confusion , To read the Chinese version of “ The Little Prince “together.We spent half a month’s afternoon reading time learning the lessons and modifying the script.


Growth, from a seed to a flower成长,从一粒种子到一朵花!

To make the children understand the story more thoroughly and explain each role perfectly , we read the Chinese version of the story again, with the Chinese teacher together.


Growth, from a seed to a flower成长,从一粒种子到一朵花!

As our understanding deepens, our requirements for English scripts are getting higher and higher. On December 17,2016, the English version of “ The little Prince” was successfully concluded at the New GangExperimental School.

随着理解的深入,我们对英文剧本的要求也越来越高。2016年12月17日16版英语童话剧《The Little Prince》在新港实验学校圆满落幕,

Growth, from a seed to a flower成长,从一粒种子到一朵花!

At this moment, the headmaster Nie’s words made all the actors excited. He said he would give us the international stage of YunCheng to perform and create a more perfect version of “The Little Prince” !

就在这时,聂校长的一句话让我们的所有演员们全场沸腾,激动不已,再给我们提供运城国际的舞台去表演,打造《The Little Prince》更加完美的升级版演出!!

Growth, from a seed to a flower成长,从一粒种子到一朵花!

We started our 17-edition pantomime of “The Little Prince”. Dan and l continued to improve and develop the script of the English drama. We have adopted plenty of original sentences and many difficult new words. From the recitation of the lines , the challenge was very big .l was a little worried about it.

2017年2月9日开始我们17版《The little Prince》童话剧之旅。和贺丹老师继续完善英语童话剧剧本,重新编写了剧本。这次采用了许多原著中的句子,还有大量高难度的新词汇,单从台词背诵这一关来说,挑战就已经很大很大, 我自己都有点担心了。

Growth, from a seed to a flower成长,从一粒种子到一朵花!

On the one hand ,l learned how to guide the rehearsal of the children ‘s play from teacher He Dan, on the other hand, l tried to recite the lines, l thought about the tone, morements and expressions of each character in the office and the dormitory, and practiced the dance with the children during the lunch break, ln the end ,my children and l had  a profound  understanding of the characters.


Growth, from a seed to a flower成长,从一粒种子到一朵花!

During the rehearsals , we went into the details of the story to feel it. We started with each line, and treated each action, expression and effect of the stage performance carefully .


Growth, from a seed to a flower成长,从一粒种子到一朵花!

ln the late stage, in order to let each child learn something, teacher He guided actors to the dance room to rehearse, while l stayed in office to lead other students to overcome the difficulties that we encountered in the script. lfollowed the instructions carefully and instructed children to recite their lines .


Growth, from a seed to a flower成长,从一粒种子到一朵花!


After nearly a year of training, the 17 thedition of the English version of “The Little Prince” was staged at the YunChengInternational arena on May 23, 2017.


Growth, from a seed to a flower成长,从一粒种子到一朵花!

We saw the little prince coming to seven planets, and he came across a king who looked very authoritative ;a vain person; a tippler who was ashamed of his drinking ;a merchant who was imbruted with business mind; dutifully the lamplighter; and one said he was geographer of the old man……The characters are vividly portrayed by the children ,the audience as the actors feel the corcumstances of ups and downs. Everyone was deeply mored.  l was already in tears: For the story itself, for the children’s wonderful performance, for the journey that was full of love and challenge.


Growth, from a seed to a flower成长,从一粒种子到一朵花!

That’s what this course is all about : start off, challenge, temper, surpass, from a seed to a flower, Only in this way can we feel the beauty of growth more clearly and deeply!


Growth, from a seed to a flower成长,从一粒种子到一朵花!
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