

2022-10-17  本文已影响0人  惊鸿飛雪

Coffee lovers appear to live longer than people who aren’t fans of the brew, a new study finds. Researchers say drinking two to three cups of coffee a day not only boosted longevity☞ (延长寿命)in participants, but also reduced their risk of heart disease, and it didn’t matter whether they got their fix through ground, instant(速溶咖啡) or decaffeinated coffee.(去咖啡因)


The study included nearly 450,000 men and women who reported on their coffee intake, and were tracked for an average of 12.5 years.


The results showed moderate amounts of joe led to the greatest gains in longevity. People who drank two to three cups of ground coffee daily had 27% lower odds of dying. Those who drank decaf had 14% lower odds and those who drank instant had 11% lower odds. Coffee was also significantly associated with lower risk of heart disease.

有结果显示,适量地饮用乔酒joe,可以最大限度延长寿命。每天饮用2-3杯研磨咖啡的人,降低死亡几率27%。那些饮用无咖啡因咖啡的人几率为14%, 饮用速溶咖啡的人几率为11%,咖啡还与降低心脏疾病风险,有明显联系。

One study author says, “it is likely that the non-caffeinated compounds were responsible for the positive relationships observed between coffee drinking, (cardiovascular disease) and survival.” He says these findings show drinking modest amounts of coffee can be enjoyed as a heart-healthy behavior.

一位研究作者认为." 不含咖啡因的化合物,很可能是饮咖啡,在心血管疾病与存活两者之间,观察到的积极关系的结果。" 他表示,这些发现显示, 适量地饮用咖啡,是一种有益于心脏的健康的行为。


