
We allow ourselves to get better

2018-11-28  本文已影响11人  亲爱的毛毛同学

首先先了解一下大脑是如何工作的(How the human mind works)

The brain relies on shortcuts to do a lot of its work. That means your mental processes are taking place outside of your awareness at most


大脑的工作方式是我们今天 “有限理性”概念的前提。那什么是有限理性呢?

有限理性(经济学理论):有限理性是指介于完全理性和非完全理性之间的在一定限制下的理性。有限理性是为抓住问题的本质而简化决策变量的条件下表现出来的理性行为。有限理性(bounded rationality)的概念最初是阿罗提出的,他认为有限理性就是人的行为“即是有意识地理性的,但这种理性又是有限的”。1978年,赫伯特·西蒙(Herbert A.Simon, 1916—2001)因为“有限理性说”和“决策理论”获得诺贝尔经济学奖。

Bounded rationality is the Nobel prize-winning idea: The human mind has limited storage resources, limited processing power, and as a result, it relies on shortcuts to do a lot of work.

在有限理性的基础上衍生了“有限道德”, "有限道德“ 是一个抽象概念,我们可以从他的一个具体表现 “无意识偏见 unconscious bias" 来理解。

Unconscious bias is one place where we see the effects of bounded ethicality. So unconscious bias refers to associations we have in our mind, the shortcuts your brain is using to recoganize information, very likely outside of your awareness, not necessity lining up with your conscious beliefs.


 The idea with bounded ethicality is that we are perhaps overestimating the importance our inner compass is playing in our ethical decisions.

 We perhaps are overestimating how much our self-interest is driving our decisions, perhaps we don't realize how much our self-view as a good person is affecting our behavior.


The path to being better people just begins with letting go of being a good person? In fact, we're working so hard to protect that good person identity, to keep out of that red zone, that we're not actually giving ourselves space to learn from our mistakes, and actually be better people.


There's no room to grow for good people. But in most parts of our lives, we learn from our mistakes, we update our knowledge. We just keep getting better, but when it comes to being a good person, we think it's something we are just supposed to know, we're just supposed to do without the benefit of effort or growth.

How about forget being good people, set a higher standard, a higher standard of being a goodish person.

A goodish person absolutely still makes mistakes. But just learn them, own them,expect them and go after them. Although there are costs to these mistakes. When it comes to issues like ethics and bias and diversity and inclusion, there are real costs to real people, JUST ACCEPTED IT!

As a goodish person, you will become better at noticing your own mistakes. You don't need to wait for people to point them out. You can practice finding them, you will see progress, you will see growth!

We allow ourselves to get better!


