笔译训练周计划 - 5.9 Tue 选做部分笔译笔记
5.9 Tue 选做部分笔译笔记
Côte d’Ivoire科特迪瓦
irregular migration: 非常规移民 Movement thattakes place outside the regulatory norms of the sending, transit and receivingcountries. There is no clear or universally accepted definition of irregularmigration. There is, however, a tendency to restrict the use of the term"illegal migration" to cases of smuggling of migrants and traffickingin persons.
bauxite n.铝土矿
cocoa n.可可豆
commercial quantity: A quantity of oil, gas, or other minerals sufficient for production in paying quantities.(可量产,具有商业价值?)
at a record high of 处于历史新高
Jubilee oil field 朱比利油田
budget v. If you budget certain amounts of money for particular things, you decide that you can afford to spend those amounts on those things.
public-sector a. 国营部门的;公营部分的
wage bill 工资单
balloon v. 猛增
twin problems 孪生问题,同时出现的两个问题
budget deficit 预算赤字 the amount bywhich government expenditure exceeds income from taxation, customs duties, etc,in any one fiscal year
tout v. If someone touts something, they try to sell it or convince people that it is good. 吹嘘,兜售
mine dumps: tailings 尾矿,矿渣
ore n.铁矿石
GIMMA: the overall objective of the project is to contribute to the Government of Ghana’s efforts to manage migration effectively through the establishment of an integrated migration management approach.
holistic a. 整体的,全盘的
intraregional a. 地区内的,区域内的
UNHCR 联合国难民署(联合国难民事务高级专员)