【外刊精读】Day 18- Tortoise v hare单词梳

2017-04-27  本文已影响0人  林小笨sea

1. face-to-face encounter


2. shoulder global responsibilities


3. throng


- a crowd of people 聚集的人群,一大群人

e.g. We pushed our way through the throng.

He was met by a throng of journalists and photographers.


- to go somewhere or be present somewhere in large numbers 群集, 涌向

e.g. The children thronged into the hall.

People are thronging to see his new play.

4. subtle


- not very noticeable or obvious 不明显的,微妙的,不易察觉的

e.g. There are subtle differences between the two versions.

- behaving in a clever way, and using indirect methods, in order to achieve something 机智的,机巧的,狡猾的

e.g. I decided to try a more subtle approach.

- organized in a clever way 巧妙的

e.g. a subtle use of lighting in the play

- good at noticing and understanding things 敏锐的,头脑灵活的

e.g. The job required a subtle mind.

5. flesh out

to add more information or details to a plan, an argument, etc. 充实,使有血有肉

e.g. These points were fleshed out in the later parts of the speech.

flesh: 肉,肉体

6. distil


- to make a liquid pure by heating it until it becomes a gas, then cooling it and collecting the drops of liquid that form 蒸馏

e.g. to distil fresh water from sea water

- to make something such as a strong alcoholic drink in this way 用蒸馏法制造

e.g. The factory distils and bottles whisky.

- to get the essential meaning or ideas from thoughts, information, experiences, etc.提炼,浓缩,吸取精华

e.g. The notes I made on my travels were distilled into a book.

7. as is their wont




- in the habit of doing something 习惯于

= accustomed

e.g.He was wont to fall asleep after supper.


- something a person often does 习惯

= habit

e.g. She got up early, as was her wont.

8. render


- to cause somebody/something to be in a particular state or condition 使成为,变得


e.g. Hundreds of people were rendered homeless by the earthquake.

- to give somebody something, especially in return for something or because it is expected 给予,提供,回报

e.g. They rendered assistance to the disaster victims.

- to present something, especially when it is done officially 提交,呈现

= furnish

e.g. The committee was asked to render a report on the housing situation.

- to express or perform something 表达,表演

e.g. He stood up and rendered a beautiful version of ‘Summertime’.

- to express something in a different language 翻译

= translate

e.g. The Italian phrase can be rendered as ‘I did my best’.

- to cover a wall with a layer of plaster or cement 粉刷(墙壁)

- to make fat liquid by heating it; to melt something 熔化

9. envoy


- a person who represents a government or an organization and is sent as a representative to talk to other governments and organizations 使者,代表

= emissary

e.g. The President has suggested sending a US peace envoy to the Middle East. 和平大使

10. bolster the rule of law




- to improve something or make it stronger 改善,加强,支持

e.g. I needed to stress the bus driver’s evidence in order to bolster my case.


- a long thick pillow that is placed across the top of a bed under the other pillows 垫枕

11. broach


- to begin talking about a subject that is difficult to discuss, especially because it is embarrassing or because people disagree about it 开始谈论,引入(尤指令人尴尬或有异议的话题)

e.g. She was dreading having to broach the subject of money to her father.

12. disavow


- to state publicly that you have no knowledge of something or that you are not responsible for something/somebody 不承认,否决

e.g. They disavowed claims of a split in the party. 否决党内分裂的说法

13. convene


- to arrange for people to come together for a formal meeting 召集,召开(正式会议)

e.g. A Board of Inquiry was convened immediately after the accident.

- to come together for a formal meeting 为正式会议而聚集,集合

e.g. The committee will convene at 11.30 next Thursday.

14. donor


- a person or an organization that makes a gift of money, clothes, food, etc. to a charity, etc. 捐赠者

e.g. She is one of the charity's main donors.

donate :verb

15. template


- a shape cut out of a hard material, used as a model for producing exactly the same shape many times in another material 样板,模板

e.g. Pressing the template firmly down on the plastic, cut around it with a knife.

If you need to write a lot of similar letters, set up a template on your computer.

16. sanction


- an official order that limits trade, contact, etc. with a particular country, in order to make it do something, such as obeying international law 制裁

e.g. Trade sanctions were imposed against any country that refused to sign the agreement.

- official permission or approval for an action or a change 许可,批准

= authorization

e.g.These changes will require the sanction of the court.

- a course of action that can be used, if necessary, to make people obey a law or behave in a particular way 制裁,处罚

= penalty

e.g. The ultimate sanction will be the closure of the restaurant.


- to give permission for something to take place 许可,准许

e.g. The government refused to sanction a further cut in interest rates.

- to punish somebody/something; to impose a sanction on something 制裁,惩罚

17. dismantle


- to take apart a machine or structure so that it is in separate pieces 拆开,拆卸

e.g. I had to dismantle the engine in order to repair it.

- to end an organization or a system gradually in an organized way 废除,取消

e.g. The government was in the process of dismantling the state-owned industries.

18. qualm


- a feeling of doubt or worry about whether what you are doing is right 顾虑,不安

= misgiving

e.g.He had been working very hard so he had no qualms about taking a few days off.

She left her husband and children without a qualm.


