

2019-07-18  本文已影响0人  Yangwenliu

上一篇: Go消息中间件Nsq系列(四)------apps/nsq_to_file源码阅读

1. Topic/Channel



在扫描时采用多个worker分别处理。这种类似多线程的处理方式提高了处理效率。nsq在扫描策略上使用了Redis的probabilistic expiration算法,同时动态调整worker的数量,这些优化平衡了效率和资源占用.


2. 通过此次nsqd程序源码阅读, 可以学习到

  1. sync.Once ,sync.WaitGroup的使用
  2. http handlerFunc Decorator的封装, 业务逻辑,统计日志,版本或其他处理. 感受一下go的函数编程 在http_api/api_response.go
  3. atomic.Values,
  4. nsqd.Main( ) exitFunc() 对错误的处理
  5. runtime.ReadMemStats() 获取内存统计信息 stats.go
  6. 等等

3. apps/nsqd程序入口, nsqd目录为主要实现


type Service interface {
// Init is called before the program/service is started and after it's
    // determined if the program is running as a Windows Service. This method must
    // be non-blocking.
    Init(Environment) error

    // Start is called after Init. This method must be non-blocking.
    Start() error

    // Stop is called in response to syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM, or when a
    // Windows Service is stopped.
    Stop() error
// 封装了nsqd程序, 实现 上述go-svc/Service 接口
type program struct {
    once sync.Once
    nsqd *nsqd.NSQD

func main() {
    prg := &program{}
        // 使用了go-svc兼容包,
    // 先执行prg.Init() 方法, 然后执行prg.Start(), 错误或者结束执行Stop()方法
    if err := svc.Run(prg, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM); err != nil {
        logFatal("%s", err)

func (p *program) Init(env svc.Environment) error {
    if env.IsWindowsService() {
        dir := filepath.Dir(os.Args[0])
        return os.Chdir(dir)
    return nil

func (p *program) Start() error {
    opts := nsqd.NewOptions()

    flagSet := nsqdFlagSet(opts)
    // ... 省略  
    // 根据命令行,配置参数,默认参数从高到低解析值,Options
    options.Resolve(opts, flagSet, cfg)

    nsqd, err := nsqd.New(opts)
    p.nsqd = nsqd

     // 解析已序列化的元数据
    err = p.nsqd.LoadMetadata()
     // 序列化保存最新的元数据
    err = p.nsqd.PersistMetadata()

    go func() {
    // nsqd 主程序入口
    // 启动必要的 TCPServer,HTTPServer , queueScanLoop, lookupLoop
    // 可选 根据配置开启 HTTPServer, statsdLoop
        err := p.nsqd.Main()
        if err != nil {

    return nil

func (p *program) Stop() error {
    p.once.Do(func() {
        // 关闭所有服务监听程序, http tcp https
        // 然后调用PersistMetadata()保存最新的元数据
        // 关闭topics, channel
        // 所有清理工作完成后, 结束程序
    return nil

// 1. Command line flag
// 2. Deprecated command line flag
// 3. Config file value
// 4. Get() value (if Getter)
// 5. Options struct default value
nsqd程序从main()函数入口, 最重要的就是program.Start()方法,该函数主要功能:

  1. 根据命令行,配置参数,默认参数从高到低解析值,Options
2. 执行nsqd.LoadMetadata()

函数作用从datapath/nsq.data 下加载元数据(topics,channels)数据,
如果没有之前保存的数据信息, 则视为全新的启动,如果正在加载元数组, 则不会通过lookup去获取对应的channels, 而是根据读取的元数据创建channel,其中 topic 会保存到topicsMap中, channel会保存到channelsMap中,
如果topic标记为暂停的, 则该topics会在messagePump中一直阻塞等待,.如果channel标记为暂停的, 则监听该channel的consumer消费者将会停止消费消息, 最后调用topics启动方法, 异步messagePump()中会收到启动消息,取消之前阻塞状态

  1. 执行nsqd.PersistMetadata(),

封装topics, channels,version数据到map中,然后序列化成json字符串, 然后写入tmp临时文件,异步阻塞等待io完成通知也就是file.Sync(),调用的,syscall.Fsync 然后将临时文件覆盖datapath/nsq.data

  1. 异步执行nsqd.Main(),最终的程序入口


func (n *NSQD) Main() error {
    ctx := &context{n}

    exitCh := make(chan error)
    var once sync.Once
    exitFunc := func(err error) {
        once.Do(func() {
            if err != nil {
                n.logf(LOG_FATAL, "%s", err)
            exitCh <- err
// 启动必要的 TCPServer,HTTPServer , queueScanLoop, lookupLoop
// 可选 根据配置开启 HTTPServer, statsdLoop

// 该设计, 通过protocol.TCPServer启动tcp服务, 不断接受新客户端链接 accept()
// 在通过tcpServer 实现handler接口, 通过获取协议标识头进行版本判断, 比如V1, V2, 这样在进行协议升级等降低耦合性,代码简单维护可读性强
// 各版本协议处理在独立的文件编写, 比如protocol_v1.go protocol_v2.go
    tcpServer := &tcpServer{ctx: ctx}
    n.waitGroup.Wrap(func() {
        exitFunc(protocol.TCPServer(n.tcpListener, tcpServer, n.logf))
    httpServer := newHTTPServer(ctx, false, n.getOpts().TLSRequired == TLSRequired)
    n.waitGroup.Wrap(func() {
        exitFunc(http_api.Serve(n.httpListener, httpServer, "HTTP", n.logf))
    if n.tlsConfig != nil && n.getOpts().HTTPSAddress != "" {
        httpsServer := newHTTPServer(ctx, true, true)
        n.waitGroup.Wrap(func() {
            exitFunc(http_api.Serve(n.httpsListener, httpsServer, "HTTPS", n.logf))

    if n.getOpts().StatsdAddress != "" {

    err := <-exitCh
    return err

nsqd.Main()方法主要启动了4个goroutine, https是可选的配置是否开启

  1. tcpServer 启动tcp服务,一直阻塞等待客户端链接Accept(),然后在开启新的goroutine handler去处理客户端链接, 读取流取4字节判断协议版本号,然后执行prot.IOLoop(clientConn), 在IOLoop()方法中,会处理接受客户端传输的指令,同时也会启动一个messagePump goroutine负责给客户端发送心跳包,发送消息等

func (p *protocolV2) IOLoop(conn net.Conn) error {

    // 同步启动messagePump, 使用异步阻塞 保证客户端其他属性初始化成功
    messagePumpStartedChan := make(chan bool)
    go p.messagePump(client, messagePumpStartedChan)

    for {
        if client.HeartbeatInterval > 0 {
            client.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(client.HeartbeatInterval * 2))
        } else {

        // ReadSlice does not allocate new space for the data each request
        // ie. the returned slice is only valid until the next call to it
        line, err = client.Reader.ReadSlice('\n')
        if err != nil {
            if err == io.EOF {
                err = nil
            } else {
                err = fmt.Errorf("failed to read command - %s", err)

        // trim the '\n'
        line = line[:len(line)-1]
        // optionally trim the '\r'
        if len(line) > 0 && line[len(line)-1] == '\r' {
            line = line[:len(line)-1]
        params := bytes.Split(line, separatorBytes)

        p.ctx.nsqd.logf(LOG_DEBUG, "PROTOCOL(V2): [%s] %s", client, params)
        // 处理协议指令
        var response []byte
        response, err = p.Exec(client, params)
        // 错误返回
        if err != nil {
// ... 省略
            sendErr := p.Send(client, frameTypeError, []byte(err.Error()))
// ... 省略

        if response != nil {
            err = p.Send(client, frameTypeResponse, response)
            // ... 省略
// 处理客户端命令
func (p *protocolV2) Exec(client *clientV2, params [][]byte) ([]byte, error) {
    if bytes.Equal(params[0], []byte("IDENTIFY")) {
        return p.IDENTIFY(client, params)
    err := enforceTLSPolicy(client, p, params[0])
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    switch {
    case bytes.Equal(params[0], []byte("FIN")):
        return p.FIN(client, params)
    case bytes.Equal(params[0], []byte("RDY")):
        return p.RDY(client, params)
    case bytes.Equal(params[0], []byte("REQ")):
        return p.REQ(client, params)
    case bytes.Equal(params[0], []byte("PUB")):
        return p.PUB(client, params)
    case bytes.Equal(params[0], []byte("MPUB")):
        return p.MPUB(client, params)
    case bytes.Equal(params[0], []byte("DPUB")):
        return p.DPUB(client, params)
    case bytes.Equal(params[0], []byte("NOP")):
        return p.NOP(client, params)
    case bytes.Equal(params[0], []byte("TOUCH")):
        return p.TOUCH(client, params)
    case bytes.Equal(params[0], []byte("SUB")):
        return p.SUB(client, params)
    case bytes.Equal(params[0], []byte("CLS")):
        return p.CLS(client, params)
    case bytes.Equal(params[0], []byte("AUTH")):
        return p.AUTH(client, params)
    return nil, protocol.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_INVALID", fmt.Sprintf("invalid command %s", params[0]))
  1. newHTTPServer 启动api服务,发布消息, 查看统计信息, topic,channel增删暂停清空,配置更新,调试性能分析等api
func newHTTPServer(ctx *context, tlsEnabled bool, tlsRequired bool) *httpServer {
    log := http_api.Log(ctx.nsqd.logf)

    router := httprouter.New()
    router.HandleMethodNotAllowed = true
    router.PanicHandler = http_api.LogPanicHandler(ctx.nsqd.logf)
    router.NotFound = http_api.LogNotFoundHandler(ctx.nsqd.logf)
    router.MethodNotAllowed = http_api.LogMethodNotAllowedHandler(ctx.nsqd.logf)
    s := &httpServer{
        ctx:         ctx,
        tlsEnabled:  tlsEnabled,
        tlsRequired: tlsRequired,
        router:      router,
    // 使用httprouter web框架
    // decorate wrapper方式处理path
    // 将业务逻辑, 统计信息 , 版本输出等其他信息分离
    router.Handle("GET", "/ping", http_api.Decorate(s.pingHandler, log, http_api.PlainText))
    router.Handle("GET", "/info", http_api.Decorate(s.doInfo, log, http_api.V1))

    // v1 negotiate
    router.Handle("POST", "/pub", http_api.Decorate(s.doPUB, http_api.V1))
    router.Handle("POST", "/mpub", http_api.Decorate(s.doMPUB, http_api.V1))
    router.Handle("GET", "/stats", http_api.Decorate(s.doStats, log, http_api.V1))

    // only v1
    router.Handle("POST", "/topic/create", http_api.Decorate(s.doCreateTopic, log, http_api.V1))
    router.Handle("POST", "/topic/delete", http_api.Decorate(s.doDeleteTopic, log, http_api.V1))
    router.Handle("POST", "/topic/empty", http_api.Decorate(s.doEmptyTopic, log, http_api.V1))
    router.Handle("POST", "/topic/pause", http_api.Decorate(s.doPauseTopic, log, http_api.V1))
    router.Handle("POST", "/topic/unpause", http_api.Decorate(s.doPauseTopic, log, http_api.V1))
    router.Handle("POST", "/channel/create", http_api.Decorate(s.doCreateChannel, log, http_api.V1))
    router.Handle("POST", "/channel/delete", http_api.Decorate(s.doDeleteChannel, log, http_api.V1))
    router.Handle("POST", "/channel/empty", http_api.Decorate(s.doEmptyChannel, log, http_api.V1))
    router.Handle("POST", "/channel/pause", http_api.Decorate(s.doPauseChannel, log, http_api.V1))
    router.Handle("POST", "/channel/unpause", http_api.Decorate(s.doPauseChannel, log, http_api.V1))
    router.Handle("GET", "/config/:opt", http_api.Decorate(s.doConfig, log, http_api.V1))
    router.Handle("PUT", "/config/:opt", http_api.Decorate(s.doConfig, log, http_api.V1))

    // debug
    router.HandlerFunc("GET", "/debug/pprof/", pprof.Index)
    router.HandlerFunc("GET", "/debug/pprof/cmdline", pprof.Cmdline)
    router.HandlerFunc("GET", "/debug/pprof/symbol", pprof.Symbol)
    router.HandlerFunc("POST", "/debug/pprof/symbol", pprof.Symbol)
    router.HandlerFunc("GET", "/debug/pprof/profile", pprof.Profile)
    router.Handler("GET", "/debug/pprof/heap", pprof.Handler("heap"))
    router.Handler("GET", "/debug/pprof/goroutine", pprof.Handler("goroutine"))
    router.Handler("GET", "/debug/pprof/block", pprof.Handler("block"))
    router.Handle("PUT", "/debug/setblockrate", http_api.Decorate(setBlockRateHandler, log, http_api.PlainText))
    router.Handler("GET", "/debug/pprof/threadcreate", pprof.Handler("threadcreate"))

    return s
  1. queueScanLoop 主要两个功能:
    3.1 定时 默认100ms, 随机获取不超过QueueScanSelectionCount(默认值20)个channel通知queueScanWorker()进行处理InFlightQueue(正在进行)和DeferredQueue(延时)消息,标记为脏数据,重新压入队列,
    3.2 定时 默认5s, 根据channel size调整queueScanWorker() goroutine大小, 或增大 或缩减
// resizePool adjusts the size of the pool of queueScanWorker goroutines
//  1 <= pool <= min(num * 0.25, QueueScanWorkerPoolMax)
func (n *NSQD) resizePool(num int, workCh chan *Channel, responseCh chan bool, closeCh chan int) {
    idealPoolSize := int(float64(num) * 0.25)
    if idealPoolSize < 1 {
        idealPoolSize = 1
    } else if idealPoolSize > n.getOpts().QueueScanWorkerPoolMax {
        idealPoolSize = n.getOpts().QueueScanWorkerPoolMax
    for {
        if idealPoolSize == n.poolSize {
        } else if idealPoolSize < n.poolSize {
            // contract
            closeCh <- 1
        } else {
            // expand
            n.waitGroup.Wrap(func() {
                n.queueScanWorker(workCh, responseCh, closeCh)

// queueScanWorker receives work (in the form of a channel) from queueScanLoop
// and processes the deferred and in-flight queues
func (n *NSQD) queueScanWorker(workCh chan *Channel, responseCh chan bool, closeCh chan int) {
    for {
        select {
        case c := <-workCh:
            now := time.Now().UnixNano()
            dirty := false
            // 处理正在投递的消息
            if c.processInFlightQueue(now) {
                dirty = true
            // 处理延时消息
            if c.processDeferredQueue(now) {
                dirty = true
            // 反馈给queueScanLoop计算比例
            responseCh <- dirty
        case <-closeCh:

func (n *NSQD) queueScanLoop() {
    workCh := make(chan *Channel, n.getOpts().QueueScanSelectionCount)
    responseCh := make(chan bool, n.getOpts().QueueScanSelectionCount)
    closeCh := make(chan int)

    workTicker := time.NewTicker(n.getOpts().QueueScanInterval)
    refreshTicker := time.NewTicker(n.getOpts().QueueScanRefreshInterval)

    // 初始化 先调整一次
    channels := n.channels()
    n.resizePool(len(channels), workCh, responseCh, closeCh)

    for {
        select {
        case <-workTicker.C: // 100ms定时
            if len(channels) == 0 {
        case <-refreshTicker.C: // 5s 定时 调整workpool size
            channels = n.channels()
            n.resizePool(len(channels), workCh, responseCh, closeCh)
        case <-n.exitChan:
            goto exit

        //  默认条目数为20
        num := n.getOpts().QueueScanSelectionCount
        if num > len(channels) {
            num = len(channels)

        // 获取随机 唯一 channel
        for _, i := range util.UniqRands(num, len(channels)) {
            workCh <- channels[i]

        numDirty := 0
        for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
            if <-responseCh {
        if float64(numDirty)/float64(num) > n.getOpts().QueueScanDirtyPercent {
            goto loop

    n.logf(LOG_INFO, "QUEUESCAN: closing")

  1. lookupLoop(), 功能是根据配置的lookupd(服务发现)地址定时 15s 去发送心跳维持连接, 在接收topic,channel,opts更新通知,
func (n *NSQD) lookupLoop() {
    var lookupPeers []*lookupPeer
    var lookupAddrs []string
    // 标志是否需要连接 lookup地址
    connect := true

    hostname, err := os.Hostname()
    if err != nil {
        n.logf(LOG_FATAL, "failed to get hostname - %s", err)

    // for announcements, lookupd determines the host automatically
    // 15秒 心跳 维持 与各lookup 通信
    ticker := time.Tick(15 * time.Second)
    for {
        if connect {
            // 获取配置传递进来lookup地址 进行连接, 并记录, 至connect标记为false
            for _, host := range n.getOpts().NSQLookupdTCPAddresses {
                if in(host, lookupAddrs) {
                n.logf(LOG_INFO, "LOOKUP(%s): adding peer", host)
                lookupPeer := newLookupPeer(host, n.getOpts().MaxBodySize, n.logf,
                    connectCallback(n, hostname))
                lookupPeer.Command(nil) // start the connection
                lookupPeers = append(lookupPeers, lookupPeer)
                lookupAddrs = append(lookupAddrs, host)
            connect = false

        select {
        case <-ticker:
            // 发送心跳并读取响应
            // send a heartbeat and read a response (read detects closed conns)
            for _, lookupPeer := range lookupPeers {
                n.logf(LOG_DEBUG, "LOOKUPD(%s): sending heartbeat", lookupPeer)
                cmd := nsq.Ping()
                _, err := lookupPeer.Command(cmd)
                if err != nil {
                    n.logf(LOG_ERROR, "LOOKUPD(%s): %s - %s", lookupPeer, cmd, err)
            // 收到需要更新通知

        case val := <-n.notifyChan:
            var cmd *nsq.Command
            var branch string

            switch val.(type) {
            case *Channel: // 新建或删除 channel
                // notify all nsqlookupds that a new channel exists, or that it's removed
                branch = "channel"
                channel := val.(*Channel)
                if channel.Exiting() == true {
                    cmd = nsq.UnRegister(channel.topicName, channel.name)
                } else {
                    cmd = nsq.Register(channel.topicName, channel.name)
            case *Topic: // 新建或删除 topic
                // notify all nsqlookupds that a new topic exists, or that it's removed
                branch = "topic"
                topic := val.(*Topic)
                if topic.Exiting() == true {
                    cmd = nsq.UnRegister(topic.name, "")
                } else {
                    cmd = nsq.Register(topic.name, "")
            // 前面组装命令, 在这里轮询发送
            for _, lookupPeer := range lookupPeers {
                n.logf(LOG_INFO, "LOOKUPD(%s): %s %s", lookupPeer, branch, cmd)
                _, err := lookupPeer.Command(cmd)
                if err != nil {
                    n.logf(LOG_ERROR, "LOOKUPD(%s): %s - %s", lookupPeer, cmd, err)
            // lookupd配置地址改变更新通知 
        case <-n.optsNotificationChan:
            var tmpPeers []*lookupPeer
            var tmpAddrs []string
            for _, lp := range lookupPeers {
                if in(lp.addr, n.getOpts().NSQLookupdTCPAddresses) {
                    tmpPeers = append(tmpPeers, lp)
                    tmpAddrs = append(tmpAddrs, lp.addr)
                n.logf(LOG_INFO, "LOOKUP(%s): removing peer", lp)
            lookupPeers = tmpPeers
            lookupAddrs = tmpAddrs
            connect = true
        case <-n.exitChan:
            goto exit

    n.logf(LOG_INFO, "LOOKUP: closing")
  1. statsdLoop 通过UDP来定期推送数据nsqd对消息的统计, 内存消耗等给statsd_address(配置的地址),可以使用Graphite+Grafana搭建更强大的监控
func (n *NSQD) statsdLoop() {
    var lastMemStats memStats
    var lastStats []TopicStats
    // 60s 定时器
    interval := n.getOpts().StatsdInterval
    ticker := time.NewTicker(interval)
    for {
        select {
        case <-n.exitChan: // 结束推送
            goto exit
        case <-ticker.C:
            // 获取推送地址  前缀
            addr := n.getOpts().StatsdAddress
            prefix := n.getOpts().StatsdPrefix
            // 使用udp推送
            conn, err := net.DialTimeout("udp", addr, time.Second)
            if err != nil {
                n.logf(LOG_ERROR, "failed to create UDP socket to statsd(%s)", addr)
            sw := writers.NewSpreadWriter(conn, interval-time.Second, n.exitChan)
            // StatsdUDPPacketSize: 508
            bw := writers.NewBoundaryBufferedWriter(sw, n.getOpts().StatsdUDPPacketSize)
            client := statsd.NewClient(bw, prefix)

            n.logf(LOG_INFO, "STATSD: pushing stats to %s", addr)

            // 获取所有的topics stats
            stats := n.GetStats("", "", false)
            for _, topic := range stats {
                // try to find the topic in the last collection
                lastTopic := TopicStats{}
                for _, checkTopic := range lastStats {
                    if topic.TopicName == checkTopic.TopicName {
                        lastTopic = checkTopic
                // topics信息
                diff := topic.MessageCount - lastTopic.MessageCount
                stat := fmt.Sprintf("topic.%s.message_count", topic.TopicName)
                client.Incr(stat, int64(diff))

                diff = topic.MessageBytes - lastTopic.MessageBytes
                stat = fmt.Sprintf("topic.%s.message_bytes", topic.TopicName)
                client.Incr(stat, int64(diff))

                stat = fmt.Sprintf("topic.%s.depth", topic.TopicName)
                client.Gauge(stat, topic.Depth)

                stat = fmt.Sprintf("topic.%s.backend_depth", topic.TopicName)
                client.Gauge(stat, topic.BackendDepth)

                for _, item := range topic.E2eProcessingLatency.Percentiles {
                    stat = fmt.Sprintf("topic.%s.e2e_processing_latency_%.0f", topic.TopicName, item["quantile"]*100.0)
                    // We can cast the value to int64 since a value of 1 is the
                    // minimum resolution we will have, so there is no loss of
                    // accuracy
                    client.Gauge(stat, int64(item["value"]))
                // channel 统计信息
                for _, channel := range topic.Channels {
                    // try to find the channel in the last collection
                    lastChannel := ChannelStats{}
                    for _, checkChannel := range lastTopic.Channels {
                        if channel.ChannelName == checkChannel.ChannelName {
                            lastChannel = checkChannel
                    diff := channel.MessageCount - lastChannel.MessageCount
                    stat := fmt.Sprintf("topic.%s.channel.%s.message_count", topic.TopicName, channel.ChannelName)
                    client.Incr(stat, int64(diff))

                    stat = fmt.Sprintf("topic.%s.channel.%s.depth", topic.TopicName, channel.ChannelName)
                    client.Gauge(stat, channel.Depth)

                    stat = fmt.Sprintf("topic.%s.channel.%s.backend_depth", topic.TopicName, channel.ChannelName)
                    client.Gauge(stat, channel.BackendDepth)

                    stat = fmt.Sprintf("topic.%s.channel.%s.in_flight_count", topic.TopicName, channel.ChannelName)
                    client.Gauge(stat, int64(channel.InFlightCount))

                    stat = fmt.Sprintf("topic.%s.channel.%s.deferred_count", topic.TopicName, channel.ChannelName)
                    client.Gauge(stat, int64(channel.DeferredCount))

                    diff = channel.RequeueCount - lastChannel.RequeueCount
                    stat = fmt.Sprintf("topic.%s.channel.%s.requeue_count", topic.TopicName, channel.ChannelName)
                    client.Incr(stat, int64(diff))

                    diff = channel.TimeoutCount - lastChannel.TimeoutCount
                    stat = fmt.Sprintf("topic.%s.channel.%s.timeout_count", topic.TopicName, channel.ChannelName)
                    client.Incr(stat, int64(diff))

                    stat = fmt.Sprintf("topic.%s.channel.%s.clients", topic.TopicName, channel.ChannelName)
                    client.Gauge(stat, int64(channel.ClientCount))

                    for _, item := range channel.E2eProcessingLatency.Percentiles {
                        stat = fmt.Sprintf("topic.%s.channel.%s.e2e_processing_latency_%.0f", topic.TopicName, channel.ChannelName, item["quantile"]*100.0)
                        client.Gauge(stat, int64(item["value"]))
            lastStats = stats
            // 内存统计信息
            if n.getOpts().StatsdMemStats {
                // runtime.ReadMemStats(&ms)
                ms := getMemStats()

                client.Gauge("mem.heap_objects", int64(ms.HeapObjects))
                client.Gauge("mem.heap_idle_bytes", int64(ms.HeapIdleBytes))
                client.Gauge("mem.heap_in_use_bytes", int64(ms.HeapInUseBytes))
                client.Gauge("mem.heap_released_bytes", int64(ms.HeapReleasedBytes))
                client.Gauge("mem.gc_pause_usec_100", int64(ms.GCPauseUsec100))
                client.Gauge("mem.gc_pause_usec_99", int64(ms.GCPauseUsec99))
                client.Gauge("mem.gc_pause_usec_95", int64(ms.GCPauseUsec95))
                client.Gauge("mem.next_gc_bytes", int64(ms.NextGCBytes))
                client.Incr("mem.gc_runs", int64(ms.GCTotalRuns-lastMemStats.GCTotalRuns))

                lastMemStats = ms


    n.logf(LOG_INFO, "STATSD: closing")


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