
2021-12-22  本文已影响0人  像橡树

Before anything more happens between us I need to know he’s ok with it. 在我们之前有进展前,我要知道他没问题

I’m speechless 我无话可说

I’ve known him longer so I think of him as my best friend but now I may have to rethink some stuff  我认识他很久了,但是现在我得重新考虑一下了

He was saying all these really nice things about me 他把我说的天花乱坠

I’m gonna edge out him  我快要顶替他的位置了

Why do bad things happen to good people ?为什么坏事总是落在好人的头上

It doesn’t matter who’s right or wrong The point is I’m gonna take off 谁对谁不重要,重要的是我该走了

Mike and I are back together 迈克和我已经和好了

I deserve to be treated with respect 我应该受到尊重

Look what I found in the drawer看我在抽屉里面找到了什么

You can give me my stuff whenever you want 你什么时候把东西还给我都可以

I really cherish these moments 我真的很珍惜这点时间

I’m crazy about her And she feels the same way?我很喜欢她,她也是同样的感觉吗?

I know exactly what I’m gonna do 我明确知道我要做什么

You have to appreciate their uniqueness 你要欣赏他们的特性

Stop staring at my wife’s legs别盯着我老婆的腿看

There’s something different 有点儿不对劲

Problem solved 问题解决了

The rules clearly stated that the last one to cross the finish line was the loser 规则说最后跑到终点才是输家

We’ll be there as soon as we can 我们会尽快回家

I can’t believe they give you a ticket我不敢相信他们给你一个罚单

There’s no greater gift than the gift of music 没有比音乐更好的礼物了

whoever gets the highest number gets to go first 谁选到最大的数字可以先走

Blow out the candle 吹灭蜡烛

I really have to grade these papers 我需要判卷子

Your English is getting better 你的英语有长进

Not marrying him was the best decision that I ever made 没有嫁给他是我一生中最英明的决定

You deserve ture love 你值得真爱

Your soul mate is out there somewhere 你的另一半就在某处

I never thought I could love someone this much 我从来不知道会如此爱一个人

You put holes in my baby’s ears 你给我的女儿穿耳洞

All these feelings are rushing back 以前的感觉又涌上心头

How much I’ve missed her 我有多想念她

I don’t think that’s ever happened before真是前所未有呢

We’re so glad that you are here 你来了我们很高兴

This feels perfectly normal 感觉一切正常

What’s on the inside is important 内在的东西才重要

I don’t get older and I just get better不是越来越老,而是越来越好

We’re just trying to figure out an excuse 我们是在找借口

Nothing with fair没有毛的

All eyes on me 大家都看我

What’s mine is yours 我的就是你的

I don’t like when people take food off of my plate 我不喜欢别人抢我盘子里的东西吃

She’s loving and devoted and caring 她有爱心,乐于奉献 关怀他人

I love my wife more than anything in this world 我爱我太太胜过世上的一切

We gonna find a cab and follow them我们得拦下来一辆出租车然后跟踪他们

You smell like perfume and cigarettes 你身上有香水和烟的味道

I put it on to scare him 我把它带上去吓唬他

I’m stuck here at the office all day 我在办公室走不开

I don’t want to live her anymore 我不想和她住在一起了

How come it took you so long to ask me out?你怎么这么长时间才约我

I won’t be telling anybody about this  我不会告诉任何人的

Stop screaming 停止嚷嚷

How hard is it to make an ice sculpture 做一个冰雕有那么难吗?

On one hand you’re happy for them on the other hand it’s hard to let go  一方面你们替他们开心,另外一方面又舍不得让他们离开

I know you are under a lot of stress 我知道你压力很大

You’re breathtaking 你简直美翻了

I promise I won’t say a word我保证我一个字也不会说

I want you to take this seriously 我希望你认真一点

That’s what I want to hear 这是我想听的

Do you wanna stick your tongue on that你想用舌头舔它吗

He and she are perfect for each other 他和她是完美的一对儿

I wish them a lifetime of happiness 祝愿他们一生幸福

I can’t believe how lucky I am 我不敢相信自己是如此幸运

I can’t wait to share my life with you forever 我迫不及待想和你分享自己的生命历程,直到永远

Take advantage 占便宜

I treated you with respect and understanding 我以尊重和同情之心待你

No matter how much we want it 不管我们有多想要

I bet I could even get Mike to do that thing 我打赌我能让迈克做那件事儿

Your resume is quite impressive 你的简历让人印象深刻

I need to change it because I’m hiding from the law我想改掉它因为我在逃避法律

Years of hard work finally paying off 多年的艰苦工作终于有了回报

Look how happy you are for me 看你多为我高兴

I feel like I’m losing my friends 我觉得我要失去我的朋友了

There comes security 保安来了

This soap opera is a great gig这个肥皂剧是个很好的机会

Promise me that you will wait a minute before you call her 答应我 等一会儿再打给他

I guess I dropped the ball there 我想我失职了

Patience is the road to understanding 耐心是通向理解的大道

You blow me away 你让我吃惊

I’m on the fence我还在犹豫

Turn sb down 拒绝了某人

How would you feel about offering her a raise 你认为给她提高薪酬怎么样?

I never stop loving you 我一直都爱你

I don’t mind you touching my belly 我不介意你摸我的肚子

You can’t understand how much this bums me out 你不能理解我有多闹心

I thought this would be a great opportunity to use up all the food 我认为这是一个很好的食用所有食物的机会

I don’t even know where to start 我真的不知道从哪儿开始

I decided to leave those out for you 我决定把这个先给你留着

That would be a terrible punishment 这种惩罚太可怕了

I’ve never seen these before 我以前从来没见过这种东西

What it is I’m gonna say我想说的是

I don’t know what I’m going to do without you我不知道没有你我会怎么办

You’re the greatest friend I ever had 你是我最好的朋友

Lucky bastard幸运的混蛋

I work up today with a big smile on my face 我今天醒来满脸都是笑容

It’s a shame you two didn’t get to spend more time together 你们俩没多相处相处太遗憾了

I’ll never forget it. Neither will I. 我永远不会忘记它,我也是。

It doesn’t leave for another 20 minutes 20分钟后才起飞的

I can’t do it. I can’t do it either. 我做不到

They’re stuck inside the table 在桌子里面呢

We have to bust it open but neither of us can do it 必须要撬开,不过我们俩都做不到

I never gone this fast before 以前我从来没有这么快过

There’s no way we’ll make it in time 根本赶不上

That is ridiculous 这太荒谬了

I’m never letting you go again 我再也不会让你走了

This is harder than I thought it would be 比想象中的要难

If she doesn't call it is definitely over.如果没有打来,那就是结束了

I felt terrible about how i acted when you said those wonderful things.真抱歉你对我告白我的反应却那么差劲

I figured out a way to make money.我找到赚钱的路子了

We can work it around his schedule. so he doesn't have to quit school.配合他的时间,他就不必休学

I'd really rather talk to him.我只想跟他谈

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