Swift WCDB 使用
2022-06-01 本文已影响0人
pod 'WCDB.swift'
import WCDBSwift
创建一个model,遵循 TableCodable 协议
class HealthModel :TableCodable{
var userID : String?
var titleName: String?
var carNumber: String?
var icon: String?
required init() {}
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingTableKey {
typealias Root = HealthModel
case userID
case titleName
case carNumber
case icon
static let objectRelationalMapping = TableBinding(CodingKeys.self)
isPrimary: Bool = false, // 该字段是否为主键。字段约束中只能同时存在⼀个主键
orderBy term: OrderTerm? = nil, // 当该字段是主键时,存储顺序是升序还是降序
isAutoIncrement: Bool = false, // 当该字段是主键时,其是否⽀持⾃增。只有整型数据可以定义为⾃增。
onConflict conflict: Conflict? = nil, // 当该字段是主键时,若产⽣冲突,应如何处理
isNotNull: Bool = false, // 该字段是否可以为空
isUnique: Bool = false, // 该字段是否可以具有唯⼀性
defaultTo defaultValue: ColumnDef.DefaultType? = nil // 该字段在数据库内使⽤什么默认值
static var columnConstraintBindings: [CodingKeys: ColumnConstraintBinding]? {
return [
.userID: ColumnConstraintBinding(isPrimary: true, isAutoIncrement: false),
//Properties below are needed only the primary key is auto-incremental
var isAutoIncrement: Bool = false
var lastInsertedRowID: Int64 = 0
mport Foundation
import WCDBSwift
import KakaJSON
class WCDBUtil {
static let share = WCDBUtil()
/// 数据库
public var database: Database?
/// 数据库名称,每个用户一个数据库
private var dbName: String {
get {
return "登陆的用户userID" + ".sqlite"
private init() { }
// MARK: - Public
/// 连接数据库
public func connectDatabase() {
if database != nil {
guard let fileURL = try? FileManager.default
.url(for: .applicationSupportDirectory, in: .userDomainMask, appropriateFor: nil, create: true)
.appendingPathComponent(dbName) else { return }
debugPrint("数据库路径: ", fileURL.path)
database = Database(withFileURL: fileURL)
// 数据库建表
/// 关闭数据库
public func closeDatabase() {
database = nil
// MARK: - Private
/// 建表
//HealthModel_Name 表名
// HealthModel.self 对象model
private func createTables() {
try? database?.create(table: HealthModel_Name, of: HealthModel.self)
try? database?.create(table: recordDietModel_Name, of: recordDietModel.self)
extension WCDBUtil {
/// 增
func insert<T: TableCodable>(_ objects: [T], tableName: String) {
try? database?.insert(objects: objects, intoTable: tableName)
func insertOrReplace<T: TableCodable>(_ objects: [T], _ property:[PropertyConvertible]?, tableName: String) {
try? database?.insertOrReplace(objects: objects, on: property, intoTable: tableName)
/// 删
func delete(
_ tableName: String,
where condition: Condition? = nil,
orderBy orderList: [OrderBy]? = nil,
limit: Limit? = nil,
offset: Offset? = nil)
try? database?.delete(fromTable: tableName, where: condition, orderBy: orderList, limit: limit, offset: offset)
/// 改, 使用TableCodable
func update<T: TableCodable>(
_ tableName: String,
on propertyConvertibleList: [PropertyConvertible],
with object: T,
where condition: Condition? = nil,
orderBy orderList: [OrderBy]? = nil,
limit: Limit? = nil,
offset:Offset? = nil)
try? database?.update(table: tableName,
on: propertyConvertibleList,
with: object,
where: condition,
orderBy: orderList,
limit: limit,
offset: offset)
/// 改, 使用ColumnEncodable
func update(
_ tableName: String,
on propertyConvertibleList: PropertyConvertible...,
with row: [ColumnEncodable],
where condition: Condition? = nil,
orderBy orderList: [OrderBy]? = nil,
limit: Limit? = nil,
offset:Offset? = nil)
try? database?.update(table: tableName, on: propertyConvertibleList, with: row, where: condition, orderBy: orderList, limit: limit, offset: offset)
func update<T: TableEncodable>( on propertyConvertibleList: PropertyConvertible..., itemModel object:T,where condition: Condition? = nil){
try? database?.update(table: "\(T.self)", on: propertyConvertibleList, with: object, where: condition)
/// 查对象数组
func getObjects<T: TableCodable>(
_ tableName: String,
where condition: Condition? = nil,
orderBy orderList: [OrderBy]? = nil,
limit: Limit? = nil,
offset: Offset? = nil) -> [T]?
let objects: [T]? = try? database?.getObjects(fromTable: tableName, where: condition, orderBy: orderList, limit: limit, offset: offset)
return objects
/// 查单个对象
func getObject<T: TableCodable>(
_ tableName: String,
where condition: Condition? = nil,
orderBy orderList: [OrderBy]? = nil,
offset: Offset? = nil) -> T?
let object: T? = try? database?.getObject(fromTable: tableName, where: condition, orderBy: orderList, offset: offset)
return object
// 联表
func prepareMultiSelect (on: [PropertyConvertible], fromTables:[String]) -> WCDBSwift.MultiSelect?
return try? database?.prepareMultiSelect(on: on, fromTables: fromTables) ?? nil
使用 增删改查,条件语句
条件 :
以456开头 like("456%"))
包含456 like("%456%")
相等 is
var modelArr : [HealthModel] = []
let dataArray = [
for (index,dataDic) in dataArray.enumerated() {
let dataModel = HealthModel()
dataModel.carNumber = dataDic["carNumber"]
dataModel.titleName = dataDic["title"]
dataModel.icon = dataDic["icon"]
dataModel.userID = "100086+\(index)"
WCDBUtil.share.insert(modelArr, tableName: HealthModel_Name)
WCDBUtil.share.delete(HealthModel_Name, where: HealthModel.Properties.userID.is(id))
改 HealthModel.Properties.all 或 [HealthModel.Properties.指定字段]
WCDBUtil.share.update(HealthModel_Name, on:HealthModel.Properties.all, with: model, where: HealthModel.Properties.userID.is(id))
// 接受
let arr: [HealthModel] = WCDBUtil.share.getObjects(HealthModel_Name)