Lesson 89 A slip of the tongue
People will do anything to see a free show--even if it is a bad one. When the news got round that a comedy show would be presented at our local cinema by the P. and U. Bird Seed Company, we all rushed to see it. We had to queue for hours to get in and there must have been several hundred people present just before the show began. Unfortunately, the show was one of the dullest we have ever seen. Those who failed to get in need not have felt disappointed as many of the artistes who should have appeared did not come. The only funny things we heard that evening came from the advertiser at the beginning of the programme. He was obviously very nervous and for some minutes stood awkwardly before the microphone. As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone burst out laughing. We all know what the poor man should have said, but what he actually said was: 'This is the Poo and Ee Seed Bird Company. Good ladies, evening and gentlemen!’
a slip of the tongue口误 别忘了加上the
a slip of the pen笔误
When you slip, you slide or skid unintentionally. A slip is also a kind of underwear you wear under a skirt. A Freudian slip, on the other hand, is a slip of the tongue.
You can slip on a damp or icy surface, and you can also slip by making a mistake or getting worse, as in "If the company doesn't sell more candy, their profits will slip." It also means "move in a sneaky or quiet way," so you might slip out of a birthday party before cake is served. As a noun, a slip can be a mistake, a fall, a piece of something (especially paper), or a skirt-like type of underwear.
别人机会溜走:don't let the chance slip through your fingers.
无意中说出口的:It just slipped out.美剧经常听到这句话。
with the tight circle for the lips, you can't see the tongue at all.
the back part of the tongue stretches up towards the soft palate while the front part of the tongue lightly touches the back of the bottom front teeth.
you have to close the vocal cords to get this sound, (有点u的音,但是不是)
2. 今天5点半醒了,不过没有好好利用,看了美剧,然后听新概念,等到送完娃儿回家,录了一遍就发送了,检查的时候发现有一处错误,把would念成了will,还有he was obviously very nervous中he处有笑声,模仿的时候我给忘了。所以,不能马虎,不能求快。
3. 早上听每日英语听力12岁小姑凉的环保演讲,发现了一处翻译错误,hidden agenda是“有不可告人的秘密或者企图”的意思,不是背后有经纪人。
4. 复述的时候想要更换when the news got round, 只想到一个spread,我记得以前应该碰到很多此类的说法,可惜都忘了。