

2019-11-12  本文已影响0人  红云梦泽

1.But the look on this woman's face oozed malice, it felt much like the sort of glee I'd expected from a snake as it corners a rat.


ooze: when a thick or sticky liquid oozes from something or when something oozes it , the liquid flows slowly and in small quantities.

而这里“ooze malice”非常妙,malice是抽象名词,sth. ooze malice,更加说明女鬼的阴郁恐怖,恶意从她的脸上渗透出来


2.The Tall woman haunted my thought in the days after I saw her.

sth. haunt my thought 某人总是被这个想法纠缠

当你想要表达什么想法在头脑中挥之不去的时候,你可以说The miserable childhood haunted my thought even I am now a grown-up.

The house was haunted. 这个房子里有鬼。

3.I asked him about his psychoex, a coversation he was all too happy to dive into.后面的句子解释说明psychoex

dive into a coversation 交谈

4.I cried out, spitting toothpaste foam all over the mirror, my toothbrush clattering into the basin.



the rain cease to patter


When I opened my eyes, I found that I was all by myself and nothing was heard except the pit-a-pat of rain drops.

pit-a-pat形容雨滴,非常生动形象,把一个落寞孤寂的一个人在下雨时的感觉活灵活现地表现了出来,the pit-a-pat of the rain drop不光把雨点一点一点地滴下来的画面向我们呈现了出来,而且这一点一滴如人落泪的声音我们读者也可以听到。

No more smile, no more chitchat. Only the drip drip drip of rain.


You and your smile were no more. Only loneliness and monotony remained. The rain kept pitter-pattering.


5.I saw a flash of color one day, a dancing yellow lightning bolt that zigzagged back and forth on the street outside my apartment.


6.It took me a while to make it home, laughing and talking to a couple of other guys from our group as we strolled along.


stroll: If you stroll somewhere, you walk there in a slow, relaxed way.

She dashed the length of the hallway.

He dashed here and there in search of a cave to hide.

dash: an act of going somewhere suddenly and quickly.

giggle: If sb giggles, they laugh in a childlike way, because they are amused, nervous, or embarrassed.

7.take sip of bourbon

这里有喝酒的另类表达take sip of 更像是“品”

drain my glass


8.Remember how earlier, I told you that the thought of being institutionalized, that the very idea of losing my grasp on reality was…



I'm not institutionalized because I live in Northern China until I was 9 years old.Then, I was taken to Southern China. Although my not being institutionalized gives me multicultural experience, I had a strong feeling of loneliness and seperation. Because my childhood and my child dream had lost and I was a victim of cuture shock. I had to adjust, to adapt, to learn, to grow without my parents because they had to do business in other place, leaving me in an utterly strange place that called my birthplace. What an ironic word!

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