
Chapter1 A New Practice for a Ne

2018-06-28  本文已影响0人  Lee_c961

(本文为David Allen《Getting Things Done》的第一章)

It's possible for a person to have an overwhelming number of things to do and still function productively with a clear head and a positive sense of relaxed control. 

Through the method and techniques I describe in this book are immensely practical and based on common sense, most people will have some major habits that must be modified before they can fully enjoy the benefits of the system. The small changes required-- changes in the way you clarify and organize all the things that command your attention--could represent a significant alteration in how you approach some key aspects of your day-to-day activities.

The method I present here are all based on three key objectives: 

(1)  capture all the things that need to get done or have usefulness for you. 

(2)  directing yourself to make front-end decisions about all of the "inputs" you let into your life so that you will always have a workable inventory of  "next actions "   

(3) curating and coordinating all of that content, utilizing the recognition of the multiple levels of commitments with yourself and others you will have at play, at any point in time.

本书为这种 high-performance workflow management 提供了 proven method. 阅读此书之后你会发现, 本书中的principles and methods 可以被马上应用到你的生活中, 包括你的私人生活和职业生涯。

对于此书,你可以 incorporate what I describe s an ongoing dynamic style of operating in your work and in your world. 或者,你可以仅仅把本书当成一个 guide, (simply use this as a guide to getting back into better control when you feel you need to. )

The Problem: New Demands, Insufficient Resources


一个paradox出现在这个新时期: 人们提高了自己的生活质量,但是同时,they are adding to their stress levels by taking on more than they have resources to handle.

It's as though their eyes were bigger than their stomachs. 过多的选择和机会,给人们带来了做决定和作出选择的压力。

Work No Longer Has Clear Boundaries

我们的工作从生产线上的工人转变为"knowledge work",  出现了越来越多的工作领域,工作的界限越来越模糊,工作量越来越大,全球化和信息通讯技术的发展使得我的工作和生活的界限越来越不清晰。  这种情况下人们有很多想做的事情,想实现的目标,但是时间却有限,给人们产生了压力。🍐

Our Jobs (and Lives) Keep Changing 

The Old Models and Habits Are Insufficient

The Big Picture vs. the Nitty-Gritty

Clarifying major goals and values, so the thinking goes, gives order, meaning, and direction to our work. 但是经常进行 value thinking不一定会达到预期的目标,原因如下:

1 日常生活中有很多让你分心的事情,使你不能专注于自己的宏观目标。

2 低效的个人管理系统(personal organizational system) 在对目标的实现产生反作用,然后会让你更加分心,更加有压力。

3 当宏观目标足够清晰的时候,你却发现你有太多太多的事情需要改变。

专注于宏观目标很重要,但是,你更需要一个能切实实施计划的系统,来让你的work really happends。 这个系统要能够链接宏观目标和具体计划的细节,它必须能够管理不同层次的优先级别(It mush manage multiple tiers of priorities).  它必须能够处理每天新的成百的inputs。 

It must save a lot more time and effort than are needed to maintain it. It must make it easier to get things done.

The Promise: The "Ready State" of the Martial Artist

在这个大标题下作者描述了‘Ready State’, 作者给的词汇是“ mind like water ”,像水一样。(我发现水真是好东西,东亚哲学中受水的影响很大,本书作者练习日本空手道,收到东方哲学影响,所以这一大标题下多次提到了水。)

以下是作者对‘ mind like water’的描述 : It's a state that is accessible to everyone, and one that is increasingly needed to deal effectively with the complexity of life in this century. 

The " Mind Like Water" Simile

想象你在池塘扔了一个石头,water是怎么response的? The answer is, totally appropriately to the force and mass of the input; then it returns to calm. It doesn't overreact or underreact.


Anything that causes you to overreact or underreact can control you, and often does.

Can You Get into Your "Productive State" When Required?

认真想一想你上次效率极高的时候,你会感觉到自己在控制自己,你没有很大的压力,你高度集中在你所做的事情上,时间过得飞快你却没有发现。 你想拥有更多的这种感觉吗。

Getting Things Done的方法论会告诉你如何让你的大脑达到水的状态。(当事情或者压力出现的时候不过多反应,不过少反应,而是恰到好处然后归于平静)

The Principle: Dealing Effectively with Internal Commitments


··· from inappropriately managed commitments they make or accept.

你在潜意识里作出过超过你所认识到的agreements, 这些事情就是“incompletes” 或者叫做“open loops”,作者对这两个词作出如下定义:

which I define as anything pulling at your attention that doesn't belong where it is, the way it is.

为了能高效处理这些事情,你应该首先把这些事情都抓住(capture all these things), 然后决定怎么推进这个事情。这个过程听起来很简单,但是事情上很多人并没有掌握,或者没有坚持一贯的这样做下去。

The Basic Requirements for Managing Commitments


首先,你的大脑并没有你想象的那么清晰,任何一件你认为没有完成的事情你都应该记下来,记在一个你信得过的系统里,一个你会有规律查看的系统。 (作者所说的系统可以是你的纸和笔也可以是设计出来的软件,OmniFocus就是按照David Allen的理论设计的软件)


第三点,一旦你决定了你需要才去的行动(action), 你必须在系统里为你的这些行动设定reminders(提醒,日程提醒),并且规律性的查看。(review regularly)

An Important Exercise to Test This Model


然后用一个句子描写出来这个事情的successful outcome。


请完成这个练习然后看看结果。你会发现有了对这个事情successful outcome的描写,你有了目标。我们需要不是花很多时间去想这些事情做没做,而是应该花时间去思考这个事情本身。


People think a lot, but most of that thinking is of a problem, project, or situation - not about it. (这里涉及了think of 和 think about的区别,可能大多数人认为这两次词组是同样的意思,其实有区别,这句话也很好的解释了这两个词组的内在含义的区别)

We're never really taught that we have to think about our work before we can do it.

Thinking in a concentrated manner to define desired outcomes and requisite next actions is something few people feel they have to do.

But in truth, it is the most effective means available for making wishes a reality.

Why Things Are on Your Mind


1 你还没有弄清楚这个事情的结果是什么

2 你还没决定下一步什么

3 你还没在你的系统中为这个事情设定reminder.



The Transformation of "Stuff"


要记得详细一些,不是只记一个单词,比如你要给妈妈打电话,不能只写个‘Mom’,看这样的不详细的to do list,只会让你更有压力,而不是让你觉得relief。

The Process: Managing Action

You can train yourself, almost like an athlete, to be faster, more responsive, more proactive, and more focused in dealing with all the things you need to deal with.

The key to managing all of your staff is managing your actions. 

人们通常认为自己面对的问题是时间不够的问题,实际上,人们是不能清楚的认知所面对的project是什么,不清楚下一步应该做什么 ( next-action steps).


(1): defining what "done" means (outcome) 

(2): what "doing" looks like (action)

The Value of a Bottom-Up Approach 

正常情况下人们一般都觉得top down的思维方式更好:首先确定目标,然后找到核心问题,最终确定实施细节,但是实际生活中还是bottom-up 的方式更好,因为人们每天需要处理很多琐事,不容易focus在top的目标上。

Horizontal and Vertical Action Management

作者提出,我们应该control commitments, projects, and actions in two ways——horizontally and vertically. 

Horizontally control水平控制: 想象你的灵魂像个警用雷达一样不间断的扫描周围环境,每天24小时的所有事情,去药店买药,自己女人的男朋友,买邮票··· 你需要一个好的system来记录跟踪越多越好的事情,这个系统当需要的时候能提供这些事情的信息,并且能帮助你快速把精力从一件事情转移到另一件事情。

Vertical control垂直控制:对每个单独事件的控制。

水平控制和垂直控制的目标是相同的,让你把事情从大脑中拿出来并且完成这些事情(get things off your mind and get them done.)

The Major Change: Getting It All Out of Your Head

如果你一直只把事情存放在你的大脑中,是永远没有办法的到放松的。我和其他人最大的区别是,我能capture and organize 100 percent事情并且有工具能够管理这些事情而不是在我的大脑中(存放和管理这些事情)。

如果你把所有的事情都存放在你的大脑中,那么你会时时刻刻觉得紧张,不能得到放松。并且做事效率低下,心情极其烦躁。因为这些事情就像噪音一样会时时刻刻影响你,因为你潜意识里知道不能把这些事情忘记所以事情就会一个个的随时出现在你的大脑中。 但是如果你把事情写下来,使用一个工具或者system,你就可以每次专心做一件事情,完成之后看看你的list然后去完成下一件事情而不是做着这件事想着那件事。

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