

2017-03-05  本文已影响0人  咚咚咚咚锵锵锵

Day4-5 词汇积累 & 背景知识补充


Ⅰ.词语综列(值得知晓了解的 专有名词&个人分级词汇)


> 1、专有名词


1).the leaning tower of Pisa 比萨斜塔

2).the moons of Jupiter 木星卫星

——( 拓展 :水星(Mercury), 金星(Venus), 地球(Earth), 火星(Mars), 木星(Jupiter), 土星(Saturn), 天王星(Uranus),海王星 (Neptune) 及 冥王星(Pluto)。 要把这个行星序记下,我们可透过以下句子:“My Very Educated Mother Just Showed Us Nine Planets”

3).waves: ultraviolet(紫外线), X rays, and gamma rays —— 红外线(Infrared)、radar(雷达)

4).Alpha Centaur (半人马座阿尔法星,人马座中的聚星,其三个组成部分是星座中最亮的部分,距地球4.4光年)

5)the special theory of relativity 狭义相对论.......(If one neglects gravitational effects, as Einstein and Poincare did in 1905, one has what is called )

6)the general theory of relativity 广义...........

7)geodesiche( nearest thing to a straight path in a curved space)——


1)air resistance 空气阻力

2)a light-second(a more convenient, new unit of length)

form an object called space-time( a four-dimensional space)

3)coordinate: 坐标

latitude and longitude 经纬度

4)the twins paradox:双胎谬论

a pair of twins

The first twin

5)a lead weight 镇纸


全生:diagram 图表(figure、chart、plot、graphic)、 galaxy 、deflection、velocity

半生:见 Ⅱ.

熟词新义/用  :



Ⅱ.词语学习(熟词新用的拓展;近反义词对比辨析;words family;注意用法正式与否;褒贬义倾向;图像增强记忆)


His measurements of the variations in the distance of the earth from Jupiter were, however, not very accurate, and so his value for the speed of light was 140,000 miles per second, compared to the modern value of 186,000 miles per second.


  • magnitude; quantity; number represented by a figure, symbol, or the like: the value of an angle; the value ofx; the value of a sum.
  • a point in the range of a function; a point in the range corresponding to a given point in the domain of a function: The value of x 2 at 2 is 4.
  • 2、rest/still

    Aristotle believed in a preferred state of rest,


    3、fixed adj.固定不变的

    Maxwell’s theory predicted that radio or light waves should travel at a certain fixed speed.



    Ping-Pong ball on the trainbounces straight up and down

    verb (used without object), bounced, bouncing.

    1. to spring back from a surface in a lively manner:

    The ball bounced off the wall.

    2. to strike the ground or other surface, and rebound:

    The ball bounced once before he caught it.

    3.to move or walk in a lively, exuberant, or energetic manner:

    She bounced into the room.

    4. to move along in a lively manner, repeatedly striking the surface below and rebounding:

    The box bounced down the stairs.

    5)、equivalence/ equation

    >Because of the equivalence of energy and mass, the energy which an object has due to its motion will add to its mass.

    >As we have seen, Maxwell’s equations predicted that the speed of light should be the same whatever the speed of the source, and this has been confirmed by accurate measurements.

    辨:equivalence 等价(抽象意义上)

    equation 方程式



    As an object approaches the speed of light

    verb (used with object)

    1. to come near or nearer to:

    The cars slowed down as they approached the intersection.

    2. to come near to in quality, character, time, or condition; to come within range for comparison:

    As a poet he hardly approaches Keats.

    3. to present, offer, or make a proposal or request to:

    to approach the president with a suggestion.


    The first twin would age faster than the second. Thus, if they met again, one would be older than the other


    8)revolutionize  v.彻底改变

    >An equally remarkable consequence of relativity is the way it has revolutionized our ideas of space and time.

    >Einstein made the revolutionary suggestion that gravity is not a force like other forces, but is a consequence of the fact that space-time is not flat, as had been previously assumed: it is curved, or “warped,”


    observers who are moving relative to each other will assign different times and positions to the same event

    1.to designate; name; specify:

    to assign a day for a meeting.

    2.to ascribe; attribute; bring forward:

    to assign a cause.

    10)block 挡住

    However, it is possible to do so during an eclipse of the sun, when the sun’s light is blocked out by the moon.

    11)agree on/ to

    agree on how far the light traveled (since space is not absolute).



    Their measurement had been sheer luck, or a case of knowing the result they wanted to get, not an uncommon occurrence in science.

    13)stub (用脚)碰...

    stubbed his toe on a large stone.


    a pulse of light (脉冲波)or radio waves / impulse


    An event, in this sense, is something that takes place at a single point in space, at a specified point in time.(specify、specified / specific)


    that identical clocks carried by different observers would not necessarily agree.

    1. similar or alike in every way:

    The two cars are identical except for their license plates.

    2. being the very same; selfsame:

    This is the identical room we stayed in last year.

    3. agreeing exactly:

    identical opinions.


    18)using a pair of very accurate clocks mounted at the top and bottom of a water tower.

    using a pair of very accurate clocks mounted at the top and bottom of a water tower.


    19) paradox 悖论

    This is known as the twins paradox, but it is a paradox only if one has the idea of absolute time at the back of one’s mind.



    After one millionth of a second the light will have spread out(用spread out 来说light) to form a sphere with a radius of 300 meters


    1. Geometry.

    >a solid geometric figure generated by the revolution of a semicircle about its diameter; a round body whose surface is at all points equidistant from the center. Equation: x 2+ y 2+ z 2= r 2.

    >the surface of such a figure; a spherical surface.

    any rounded body approximately of this form; a globular mass, shell, etc.


    The expanding circle of ripples will mark out a cone whose tip is at the place and time at which the stone hit the water。


    1、a small wave or undulation, as on water. 2、any similar movement or appearance; a small undulation or wave, as in hair.


    The old idea of an essentially unchanging universe that could have existed, and could continue to exist, forever was replaced by the notion of a dynamic, expanding universe that seemed to have begun a finite time ago, and that might end at a finite time in the future.

    1. a general understanding; vague or imperfect conception or idea of something:

    a notion of how something should be done.

    2. an opinion, view, or belief:

    That's his notion, not mine.

    >3. conception or idea:

    his notion of democracy.

    4. a fanciful or foolish idea; whim:

    She had a notion to swim in the winter.



    noun, plural velocities.

    1.rapidity of motion or operation; swiftness; speed:

    a high wind velocity.

    2.Mechanics. the time rate of change of position of a body in a specified direction.

    3.the rate of speed with which something happens; rapidity of action or reaction.




    Ⅲ.短语积累(熟词新用)| 写作参考

    1).Aristotle believed in a preferred state of rest, which any body would take up if it were not driven by some force Or impulse / he thought that the earth was at rest

    2) One could equally well say that body A was at rest and body B was moving at constant speed

    3) with respect to body A

    4)because it did not accord with his idea of an absolute God

     find a theory of gravity that was consistent with special relativity

    The reason for that particular number is that it corresponds to the historical definition of the meter

    —— 拓展整理和....一致

    5)In effect, the meter is defined to be the distance traveled by light in 0.000000003335640952 second, as measured by a cesium clock.

    6)When the famous Dr. Johnson was told of Berkeley’s opinion, he cried, “I refute it thus!”

    7)there is no way to tell whether it is the train or the earth that is moving

    8)one can say that a point in a room is seven feet from one wall, three feet from another, and five feet above the floor.

    9)After one millionth of a second the light will have spread out(用spread out 来说light) to form a sphere with a radius of 300 meters

    10)Time was completely separate from and independent of space(区别?)

    11)Einstein is usually given the credit for the new theory, but Poincare is remembered by having his name attached to an important part of it.



    12)In particular,.......

    13)An event, in this sense, is something that takes place at a single point in space, at a specified point in time

    14)In effect, the meter is defined to be the distance traveled by light in 0.000000003335640952 second, as measured by a cesium clock.

    15)Equally, we can use a more convenient, new unit of length called a light-second.

    16)It follo ws that.....由此可见、由此得出

    In the theory of relativity, we now define distance in terms of time and the speed of light, so it follows automatically that every observer will measure light to have the same speed

    17)Again, the choice of coordinates is arbitrary; one can use any three well-defined spatial coordinates and any measure of time.




    1、 斜塔实验多半是假

    It is said that Galileo demonstrated that Aristotle’s belief was false by dropping weights from the leaning tower of Pisa. The story is almost certainly untrue, but Galileo did do something equivalent: he rolled balls of different weights down a smooth slope.




    1881年-1884年,阿尔伯特·迈克尔逊和爱德华·莫雷为测量地球和以太的相对速度,进行了著名的。实验结果显示,不同方向上的光速没有差异。这实际上证明了光速不变原理,即真空中光速在任何参照系下具有相同的数值,与参照系的相对速度无关,以太其实并不存在。后来又有许多实验支持了上面的结论。  以太说曾经在一段历史时期内在人们脑中根深蒂固,深刻地左右着物理学家的思想。著名物理学家洛伦兹推导出了符合电磁学协变条件的洛伦兹变换公式,但无法抛弃以太的观点。










    Day7 总结


