
SCI 写作--introduction

2019-05-11  本文已影响3人  嘉期几许


title里几个名词,对名词进行介绍,这几个名词之间的关系,他们的关系哪些是已知的,哪些是未知的。 指明我们的研究是解决哪些未知


小背景:已知的情况有哪些, 未知的情况有哪些 




常用的句式有:xx tumor is a leading cause of cancer mortality in .../The high mortality rate of xx tumor is in part due to lack of early detection of xx cancer marker/Resistance to existing therapies in xx tumor is a major problem in xx field.

第一句:xx疾病的重要性 XX disease is one of the most common cancers in AA country, with metastasis accounting for most of the mortality.

第二句: 疾病的严重程度 The incidence of XX disease have steadily risen in recent years. It is estimated numerous people will be diagnosed with XX disease in the next decade. (扩展阐述内容)

第三句:进行本项研究的必要性 For these reasons, the identification of key molecules involved in XX disease is urgent and highly demanded for improving the clinical outcome.

3.小背景: 细化的研究领域介绍,


哪些是已 知的,哪些是未知的不知道的重要而且有意义,未知的部分也是进行本研究的原因

常用的句式有:One signaling pathway that has been a focus of active research in xxx disease is xxx/Previous reports showed that xxx pathway is involved in the regulation of xxx disease via xxx protein/xxx binding to xxx receptor(promoter) causes downstream activation of the xxx signaling, resulting in xxx disease.

第一句:本项研究关注的小领域的概括介绍 Tumor protein XX, is a transcription factor belonging to AA family. All members have conserved domains.

第二句: 小领域和疾病的关系 XX protein have been shown to be important in the development of AA disease. XX gene is expressed as multiple isoforms is patients with AAdisease.

第三句:进行本项研究的原因 However, whether and how XX protein is involved in the progress of AAdisease is unknown.

4.针对文中提及的分子或概念进行介绍,前人工作发现的介绍,说明自己与别人工作 的不同,指出别人工作的不足和缺陷在哪里


常用的句式有:Extensive studies have focused on the role of xxx in xxx signaling pathway, however, some recent findings suggested that xxx might be involved in another important pathway/Although xxx has been reported to play a role in xxx progress, the downstream signaling mechanisms were not fully understood.

第一句:本项研究涉及的分子的概括介绍 XX is a protein known for its role in AA process. XX is consisted of ABCD. It is required for the formation of FF structure.

第二句: 分子和疾病的关系 Ectopic expression of XX protein is able to induce AA disease. XX was reported to affect disease progression through regulation of cell cycle arrest and apoptosis.

第三句:分子和小领域的关系 Previous work have shown that both XX and AA were expressed in certain tissues. AA has been implicated in several XX-related signaling pathways.

5.我们发现了什么,我们的工作意义在哪里。不是简单的复制摘要,更多的强调工作 意义

常 用 的 句 式 有 : In the present study, we identified xxx/Our studies demonstrated that..., indicating that targeting xxx as a potential therapeutic strategy for xxx disease.

第一句:本项研究的目的 To study the role of XX protein in AA disease, we investigated the effect of XX knockdown in disease progression.

第二句: 本项目的发现 We found that XX knockdown significantly impaired AA process. BB mediated the role of XX in such process.

第三句:本项目的意义 These findings suggest that XX is required to regulate AA in xx process. Therefore, targeting XXmediated AApathway is a useful strategy to inhibit tumor progression.



we studied xxx and found that xxx”

“xxx experiment was performed to identify xxx. The results showed that xxx….."


To explore the role of xxx in xxx condition, we did xxx experiment. Having shown xxx phenomenon, we next studied xxx To test this hypothesis, we treat the subjects with xxx To further determine xxx, we did xxx To evaluate the effect of xxx, we did xxx Given the recent finding that xxx, we did xxx


7.cover letter

We would like to submit for publication to xxx our study entitled “xxx”.

In the past years, our laboratory has demonstrated essential roles for xxx in the regulation of xxx signaling programs (references). Although the expression of xxx is prominent in xxx, its role during the xxx process is still a mistery.


In the present work, we report a new unexplored function for xxx in the control of xxx. Our results demonstrate that xxx. Mechanistically, we found that this phenotype is associated with xxx, a key event for xxx. The mechanisms underlying this effect involved xxx that controls xxx. In conclusion, we provide the first evidence showing that xxx thus opening new research avenues in this particular biological process. From a broader perspective, our observations could also have implications in xxx. Since our findings significantly demonstrate xxx, we strongly feel that this work is indeed suitable for the broad scientific audience of your journal.


It has been one month since we submitted the manuscript. I am wondering how is the review progress going? Since it is a clear finding, and I believe we demonstrate xxxxx(根据实际情况再次提醒编辑你的研究发现), I was hoping it would be a straight forward review.

I am sorry to bother you. I was wondering if I could enquire as to the status of our manuscript? The web link simply states it is under consideration. If possible, could you please send me some of the review comments you received, so that I can get started to improve the manuscript. Thank you for your time.


9.回答reviewer 问题  response letter


Response for reviewers for: manuscript xxxx

We thank all the reviewers for their constructive comments and suggestions and for help us to improve the manuscript. In the revision we (i) addressed all the points raised by the reviewers (see point-by point response below), (ii) added additional data as requested by the reviewer (related to figure xx, as shown in new supplementary figure xx). Please note that in the following reviewer‘s comments are in italic and our answers are included as a plain text.

Reviewer #1

In this study, xx did xxx…......This study provide valuable evidence that....

We are gratefule to the reviewer for this positive assessment of our work

My first concern is that xxxx

We are thankful to the reviewer’s comments. We have verified this in …(new data, or explain through citing references

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