

2017-03-08  本文已影响156人  慕读




1. 精力相当


2. 与成年人交朋友,最好与你一样老成

如果你与她年龄相差太多,当你不得不参加她的闺蜜聚会时,你会发现她们一晚上不停地“哇噻”,而当你提到德比(译注:美国六七十年代著名金发女歌手)时,她们认为她已经老掉牙了。还有,与你同样老成的人一起生活,你不用担心对方没吃过柑橘酱(译注:略带苦涩,不适合于喜欢甜食的年轻人),或没买过报纸,––嗯, 肯定用过剃刀(译注:年轻女性用脱毛膏去体毛)。

3. 你的孩子会怎么想


4. 经历相同


5. 琴瑟和谐


6. 对什么都看不惯,还谁都不惯着


7. 性有灵犀一点通


8. “我说:世界这么大,我要去看看”




8 good reasons why no oneshould trade in their partner for a younger model

Apparently, we are into the season of trading in the old wife for the muchyounger model. There will be some men considering the pros of a younger partner(someone to Worship Me after years of being treated like the house simpleton);and a lot of women contemplating the cons (having to leave your home of 35years and start dating men with ear hair). What can you do?

Fight back is what! Remind ourselves of the positives of same-age marriage.Put together a list of all the reasons why being with someone who isn’t adecade or two younger is the best possible idea all round.

Compatible energy levels

Seriously, what is the bounce and glitter of youth (or relative youth)compared with someone who definitely does not want to go on to a club at 2am,who has no interest in Jägerbombs, and no desire to dance to Drake. Youngerpeople set their alarms to go to raves: isn’t that the marital equivalent ofwaterboarding?

Having grown-up friends, or as grownup as you are

Outside a same-age marriage, you could find yourself spending the eveningswith people who use the word “awesome” and think of Debbie Harry as really old.Same-age marriage means not having to hang out with people who never eatmarmalade or buy a newspaper – or shave.

Consideration for your children

Obviously. Children do not want to think of their parents having sex and ifyou stick to your age group they’ll never have to.

Shared experience

The opposite of that is someone who has never smoked on an aeroplane, orwashed their hair with one of those hoses you attach to the taps; who has noclue what Asteroids was, or a Joan Collins Cinzano ad, or who Susan Penhaligonis… Horrible.

Musical harmony

This is a big one. Huge, if your scratched copy ofAfter the Goldrushis still the album you are both most likely toput on at 3am. Can there be anything more nails-on-blackboard than someone whothinks Alexandra Burke was the first person to singHallelujah?

Being extremely critical of everything, and being very comfortable with that

Perhaps you’re thinking: “Ah, but that’s precisely the attraction of ayounger person: they are not cynical. ” Well, yes, if they’re your children.But your other half, banging on about giving Jeremy Corbyn a chance, or theimportance of sleeping with a crystal under your pillow, or the advantages ofcolonic irrigation? Don’t think so.

Sex: being on the same page

You can say: “No look, hang on, I’m lying on my specs/toenail clippers/buying a ping pong table on eBay”, and it’s absolutely fine because they GetIt, and they were probably looking for an excuse to keep readingThe Week.

The I-know-what-I-like phase

You’re both past all the same stuff at the same stage. It’s not that you areno longer open to new experience, just that a lot of experiences are not new toyou. You know that camping at festivals is hell. You have tried thrillers (no,Gone Girl is not going to be any different). You have risen at dawn to see theBuriburi bird, and hung out with rodeo cowboys and driven down route 101.What’s the point if you have to do all that stuff all over again because yourpartner has 30 years of catching up to do?

Same-age couples rock.



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