Begin with Angular
- Greate a static web project by intellij
- use ** cd IdeaProjects/test ** go to the project directory which u created
- use ** npm init ** to initialize the project. It will creat a ** package.json ** file to record the dependencies of this project. Just press the ** return ** to create a default package.json file.
now check ur project in Intellij, the package.json is already there.
If u use the git as a VCS, u can use ** vim .gitignore ** to add the ignore file which used to tag the files and directories which u don't want to sync or commit. (usually some config files or libraries)
now back to Intellij, if u not plugin the .ignore in ur Intellij u'd better install it (the Intellij will remind u to install .ignore just follow the hint). U can also press ** command + , ** to open the preference then ** -> plugins -> Browse repositories... -> search ".ignore" -> install ** to install the plugin.
then use ** npm install angular ** to add the angular into project
now back to intellij the ** angular.js ** is contented in the ** node_modules **
- then add a html file to the project and name it as ** index **
copy following code into the index.html
<html ng-app>
<script src="node_modules/angular/angular.min.js"></script></head>
<input type="text" ng-model="yourName" placeholder="Enter a name here">
<h1>Hello {{yourName}}!</h1>
then use ** http-server ** to start the http server
then open ur Browser and type ** localhost:8080 ** in the url to check ur first angular html.