探戈的意义和目的the meaning and purpose of tango
P11 了解探戈understanding tango
P15 学习探戈的传统方法traditional methods of learning the tango
P22男士角色与女士角色the man ' s role and the woman ' s role
P24 男子汉大丈夫和探戈machismo and the tango
P24 男士与女士跳舞Men dancing with women
P26 舞会上男人想从女人那里得到什么what a man wanted from a woman in the Milonga
P28 探戈与搏击武术tango and the Martial arts
P28 面对现实Dealing with reality
P30 引带的人与被引带来人之间的身体与感情关系the physical and emotional relationship between the leader and the follower
P32 心heart
P32 把两颗心合二为一的测试movement puts the unity of the two hearts to the test
P33黄金时代的舞者是如何避免踩到对方的脚趾头how the dances of the Golden age avoided treading ON each other ' s toes
P34 被引带者向后和引带者向前 A step for the follow and forward for the leader
P34 向前一步taking a single step
P37 男人对自己双脚的态度the attitude of the Men to their own feet
P39 引带者与被引带者的双脚可能做不同的事the leader ' s and follower' s feet MAY do different things
P42 被引带者的技术the skill of the follower
P44引带的微妙和准确性the subtlety and precision of the lead
P46引带者的责任the responsibility of the leader
P48与音乐的关系the relationship with the music
P49 即兴和心有灵犀――探戈最高境界Improvisation and the " Vulcan mind meld " - the ultimate leval of Tango
P51为什么实际上你整晚的最佳舞蹈有可能是和一个初学者why your best dance of the evening MAY actually be with A beginner