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万物的结局近了,所以你们要谨慎警醒地祷告。8 最重要的是要彼此切实相爱,因为爱能遮盖许多的罪。9 你们要互相接待,不发怨言。10 你们要作 神各样恩赐的好管家,各人照着所领受的恩赐彼此服事。 11 讲道的,应当按着 神的圣言讲;服事的,应当按着 神所赐的力量服事,为要在一切事上,使 神藉耶稣基督得荣耀。荣耀、权能都是他的,直到永永远远。阿们!
[引言:纪念9-11]两天前是9-11事件19周年纪念日,当时美国本土发生了四起协同恐怖袭击。它导致近3 000人死亡,无数人受伤,给很多家庭、社区和城市以及整个国家带来持久的后果。我记得当时我紧盯着电视,看着灾难的发生,还有圣地亚哥上空掠过的喷气式飞机的轰鸣声,他们在为未知的事情做准备。如果你已经过了25岁,你可能还记得你听到911袭击的具体时间。
耶稣教导祂的国近了|马可福音1:15说:“时候到了,神的国 近了,你们应当悔改,相信福音。”
[“快来”]在启示录22:20,即整部圣经的倒数第二节中,耶稣告诉我们祂将在何时回来。约翰写道:证明这些事的那一位说:“是的,我必快来!” 阿们! 主耶稣啊,请你来吧!(启示录22:20)耶稣自己说祂“快”来了。所以我们可能会问,“多快才算快?”在C.S.刘易斯所著的《黎明踏浪号》中,他在露西和阿斯兰的对话中接上了这个主题和语言。他们正在彼此道别,阿斯兰对露西说:“露西,别这么伤心。我们很快就会再见面的。”而露西则回应道:“拜托,阿斯兰,你说的很快是什么意思?”而阿斯兰回答说:“时间对我来说都是很快。”
#1 谨慎自守(第7b节)
[迫切祈祷]然后让我提醒你,我们所拥有的特权。信徒要这样祷告:“愿人都尊你的名为圣。愿你的国降临;愿你的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上! ”(马太福音6:9-10)耶稣快回来吧!用你圣灵的大能闯入我生命和我们世界的问题。使我更像耶稣。拯救我那些失丧的家人、邻居和同事。使我们统一在基督的主宰之下!
#2 切实相爱(第8节)
[遮盖许多的罪?]“爱能遮盖许多罪“是什么意思?彼得知道,只有耶稣能赦免罪孽。彼得引用的是箴言10:12的后半句。”恨能挑起纷争,爱能遮掩一切过失。“彼得在呼唤一种坚忍不拔、遮掩过犯的爱,这爱能饶恕 。如果你被得罪了,圣经说你可以忽略它、遮盖它、原谅它,也可以根据马太福音18章的原则把它带到他们面前。圣经假设基督徒会互相犯罪,这不是很惊人吗?共同生活,意味着我们会在不经意间互相伤害。但当它发生时,不要让它拆散这个耶稣为之而死的家庭。
#3 乐于接待(第9节)
彼得前书4:10-11“10 你们要作 神各样恩赐的好管家,各人照着所领受的恩赐彼此服事。 11 讲道的,应当按着 神的圣言讲;服事的,应当按着 神所赐的力量服事,为要在一切事上,使 神藉耶稣基督得荣耀。荣耀、权能都是他的,直到永永远远。阿们。”
[这一切的目的]而这一切的爱、款待、服事和讲道的目的,都是为了这个:“为要在一切事上,使 神藉耶稣基督得荣耀”(彼得前书4:11)。这就是我们生命的意义所在,深邃,美丽而隽永。我们或吃或喝,无论做什么,都要为荣耀神而行。
1阿肯色浸信会,"1961年5月25日"(1961年)阿肯色浸信会新闻周刊. 第69期 (https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/arbaptnews/69).
1 Peter 4:7-11
7 The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers. 8 Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. 9 Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. 10 As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: 11 whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.
[Prayer] Father in Heaven, my prayer morning is that in everything you would be glorified. Cause the preaching of your word to exalt Christ, to renew our affections, and transform us increasingly into the likeness of Jesus. Come now in the power of your Holy Spirit and give me grace to speak as one who speaks the very oracles of God so that Christ might get all the glory. In Jesus name we pray, amen.
[Introduction: Remembering September 11] Twodaysago marked the 19th anniversary of September 11 where four coordinated terrorist attacks took place on American soil. It resulted in almost 3,000 deaths, countless of injuries, lasting consequences for families, communities and cities, and the entire country. I remember being glued to the television watching the devastation unfold, and the roar of the jets that flew overhead in San Diego as they prepared for the unknown. If you’re 25 years old or older, you probably remember exactly when you heard about the 9/11 attacks.
[Days Following 9/11] In the days following the 9/11 attacks, the country rallied together. There was unprecedented patriotism and unity in the country. There was a collective desire to display the resiliency and resolve of the American people in the face of a terrible attack. Chants of “USA!” spontaneously erupted at Ground Zero, at baseball games, and at police and fire stations. How would America respond in the midst of trials and challenges?
[Transition to Passage] And though the situation and circumstances are very different, the question before us is how should believers respond in the midst of trials and challenges? When maligning, slander, suffering, and persecution assail believers, how should we respond?
[Context] Last week we saw that believers are to arm themselves with the mind of Christ. We are not to live like Gentiles, for they will be judged by God. Instead, believers are to not only abstain from human passions—sinful desires—but to live in order to glorify God in all things.
[FCF: Self Focused or Withdrawal] The very real trials Peter’s readers are facing, could cause them to conform and compromise, or to withdraw and retreat from society and from one another. Let me illustrate this with some of our current events.
With the global pandemic, many have thought about their own mortality and health more than ever before.
With the election in full swing, many are reassessing whether they are living in a red state or blue state, in the city or the suburbs, or pondering a move out into the country.
With the surge in violence in the Twin Cities, there is a shortage of guns and ammunition. Many are thinking more than ever about their own protection and safety.
[Searching for Answers] With these stressors and challenges, many are seeking to look out for themselves. How can I protect myself, my resources, my family, and my health? That is not necessarily wrong, but Peter wants to remind his readers, and all of us this morning, that we ought not to lose sight of loving one another in the family of faith.
[Main Point] The main point of our passage is that believers are to live together and love one another in light of the imminence of Christ’s return.Don’t lose sight of your calling, your identity, and your purpose in such a time as this. The bright light of believers are to shine brighter on overcast days and in prolonged darkness. None of these current events—in Peter’s day nor today—ought to be surprising to believers whose ultimate hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ.
[Aim] Theaim of this passage is not just changed attitudes and actions in God’s people, but so that in everything God would be glorified through Jesus Christ (1 Peter 4:11).
[Plan] 1 Peter 4:7–11 begins with a stunning claim (7a), and then follows that with four exhortations for how believers are to live.
Stunning Statement: “the end of all things is at hand” (7a)
Four Implications for Believers: Believers are to...
Think clearly (7b)
Love fervently (8)
Host joyfully (9), and
Serve graciously (10–11)
Stunning Statement: “the end of all things is at hand” (7a)
[Loaded Statement] Peter begins with the short but loaded phrase: “The end of all things is at hand.” What does Peter means by this? Peter has in view that believers right now are living in the final stage of redemptive history, which has been begun by the resurrection and ascension of Jesus. We are right now living in the time between Jesus’ first coming and his second coming. This is called the “last days” or the “end of all things.”
[2000 Years Passed] It would be right and appropriate to wonder how this phrase fits with when Peter wrote this. Roughly 2,000 years have passed since Peter first wrote these words. How then should we understand that the “end of all things is at hand” both now and 2000 years ago?
Jesus taught about nearness of his kingdom | Mark 1:15 says, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.”
Peter recognizes that God views time differently than us | 2 Peter 3:8 says, “But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” The point is that God is patiently delaying his second coming so that more would reach repentance!
[Kingdom Begun] Peter and Jesus are conveying that the kingdom of God has begun and been inaugurated. The stunning truth is that we are right now living in the final stage of redemptive history. Jesus could return at any time, and the end is “soon,” so we ought to live with that level of watchfulness. Jesus return is imminent—he could come back right now.
[“Coming Soon”] In Revelation 22:20, the second to last verse of the Bible, Jesus tells us when he will return. John writes, “He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!” (Revelation 22:20). Jesus himself says he’s coming “soon.” So we might ask, “how soon is soon?” In the Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C. S. Lewis, he picks up on this theme and language in a conversation between Lucy and Aslan. They are saying their goodbyes and Aslan says to Lucy, “Lucy, don’t look so sad. We will meet soon again.” And Lucy responds, “Please, Aslan, what do you mean by soon?” And Aslan replies, “I call all times soon.”
[How Will You Live?] We are right now living in the last days. And Peter makes this stunning statement to motivate believers to live godly lives. You have one life to live and your days are numbered. How will you use the time that you have remaining? Will you just think about yourself, or withdraw from others, or will you seek to glorify God through Jesus as a part of the church?
[Keep Living Faithfully in Community] If the world is coming to an end, there would be a temptation to withdraw from the world, to stop working, to stop preparing for the future, to run off to some off-grid bunker in South Dakota, to stop paying your taxes, withdraw from the church, and to become a doomsday prepper. But that is not what God’s people are called to. Instead, they are to keep living faithfully in community in light of Christ’s imminent return.
[Transition] There are four things that Peter says believers are to do because the end is near: (1) Think clearly (7b), love fervently (8), host joyfully (9), and serve graciously (10–11).
Four Implications for Believers (7b–11)
#1 Think Clearly (7b)
1 Peter 4:7b “therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers.”
[Think Rightly] This exhortation calls for right and clear-headed thinking in light of redemptive history. Be alert and ready for the sake of your prayer life. Or be serious and watchful. Believers are not engage in mindless activities that pull us away from God, and particularly our prayer life. If you’re consumed with social media, alcohol, reading conspiracy theories, watching Fox News or CNN, or constantly scrolling your phone, my guess is that your prayer life suffers.
[Connections in First Peter] Peter, in 1:13, instructed his readers by saying, “preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 1:13). In essence, don’t get drunk like the Gentiles, but be sober and watchful towards the things of Christ. Later in 1 Peter 5:8 he gives additional motivation for such watchfulness: “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). Remember this is Peter, who was with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, to whom Jesus said, “watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation” (Matthew 26:41).
[Jesus’ on Ten Virgins] Jesus taught similarly in the parable of the ten virgins in Matthew 25:1–13. Ten virgins were waiting for the bridegroom. Five had no oil, and the other five had extra flasks of oil. The five that didn’t have oil had to go buy more, and were ultimately shut out of the marriage feast. Jesus concludes that parable with these words: “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour” (Matthew 25:13). Be watchful and alert!
[Connection to Prayer] How does this watchfulness and sober-mindedness connect with prayer? At one level it’s really simple: if you are drunk you are not likely praying. My guess this morning is that drunkenness is not the prevalent issue for many of us. My sense is that technology is the substance of choice that pulls us away from communing with the God of the universe in conversation. Studies have shown that our phones are addictive, every app is addictive, and it has quickly replaced prayer. Instead of prayer and Bible reading as the first thing we do when we wake up, and prayer as the last thing we do before bed, now the phone is the first thing we scroll and the last thing we touch before bed.
[The Tyranny of Breaking News] All news is urgent and breaking now. When I took a vacation a few weeks ago, I remarked that my favorite part was I didn’t get cell signal where we were staying. If your prayer life is weak or anemic, let me challenge you this morning to fast from your phone, or to not pick it up until 9am, or to put it away at 8pm. Be self-controlled and sober-minded.
[Pray Like It Matters] And then let me just remind you the privilege we have. Believers get to pray “hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven!” (Matthew 6:9–10). Jesus come back soon! Break into the problems of my life and of our world with the power of your Holy Spirit. Make me more like Jesus. Save my lost family, neighbors, and coworkers. Unify us under Christ’s Lordship!
[Return to Our First Love] Remember when you first starting dating your spouse (for those who are married), or if you’re dating right now. You talked all the time. You talked about what you did that day and couldn’t get enough. Married people very often need to relearn how to talk to one another, rather than to take things for granted. So it is with our relationship with Jesus. Like the Church in Ephesus that abandoned the love they had at first, for some of us this morning, we call being exhorted to recover our first love. Now Peter turns from thinking clearly, to loving fervently.
#2 Love Fervently (8)
1 Peter 4:8 “Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.”
[Keep Loving] Believers, instead of being tempted to withdraw, to flee, or to become self-centered and self-focused, are instead commanded to keep loving one another earnestly, fervently. Though maligning and suffering intensifies, don’t withdraw from Christian community.
[Covers a Multitude of Sins?] What does it mean for “love to cover a multitude of sins?” Only Jesus forgives sins, Peter knows that. Peter is quoting from the latter half of Proverbs 10:12, “Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses.”Peter calls for a persevering, offense-covering love that forgives. If you’ve been sinned against, the Bible says you can either overlook it, cover it over, and forgive, or you can bring it to them according to Matthew 18. Isn’t it stunning that the Bible assumes that Christians will sin against one another? Doing life and community together means that we will inadvertently hurt each other. But when it happens, don’t let it tear apart this family that Jesus died for.
[Preserve Unity] Don’t let minor disputes destroy the unity of God’s people who he purchased with his blood. We must love each other fervently. It’s often been said that the church is not a museum full of saints, but a hospital full of sinners. Thus love is needed all the more. A love that forgives, overlooks, covers over (not covers up), and preserves the unity of the community. Who has sinned against you in the body? Have you forgiven them? Who have you sinned against? Have you asked for their forgiveness?
[Illustrate: Hurtful Words] Just this week I shared with a friend that something they said was hurtful. It was hard to admit that their words hurt. It wasn’t a fun thing to have to say. It would have been easier to just shut that friend out. And God in his kindness allowed that conversation to go well. To restore love and unity between us. Someday, I’ll probably say something rude or hurtful, and the roles will be reversed. The aim is to uphold the unity and love that is distinctive in the body of Christ (John 13:35).
[Word of Application in Community] We believe being involved in community with others is vitally important. A significant way we do that is small groups. Yet I know some of us have been hurt by fellow believers and we’re slow to be vulnerable with others. Maybe you felt uncared for, maybe you were wrongly rebuked, or maybe you don’t know if you’ll be accepted. Maybe others have said hurtful things. Maybe you have been the one who has said or done hurtful things. I want to encourage and challenge us to reconcile where we need to—by forgiving or by talking with someone else—and to not neglect Christian community. Peter next points out that this fervent love is to manifest in hospitality.
#3 Host Joyfully (9)
1 Peter 4:9 “Show hospitality to one another without grumbling.”
[What is Hospitality?] Hospitality in Peter’s day included welcoming strangers, hosting church gatherings in one’s home, providing lodging for itinerant ministers of the gospel who traveled from place to place, and very often involved serving and sharing in meals. There were no Hilton or Marriott Hotels. It was also a way to meet the needs of strangers, foreigners, the poor, widows, and orphans. In the Greco-Roman world church gatherings took place in homes, much like small groups do today. It would have been very easy to grow tired in hosting these gatherings with the inconvenience, cost, and disruption caused by practicing hospitality.
[Costly Hospitality] Peter calls for a joyful and costly hospitality. Believer are to show hospitality without grumbling. Despite the cost, inconvenience, and disruption to my life, we are to selflessly welcome others. Why? Because we recognize that all that we have belongs to God anyways. In the next section we see that we are stewards of God given gifts. This is true of our money, our food, our time, and our homes. We are managers of what God has entrusted to his children. And when we rightly think about who owns it all, then we can rightly open our homes to welcome others as an opportunity, and not a burden.
[Illustration: Move to MN] I remember being on the receiving end of this type of hospitality. Many of you know we moved to Minnesota in 2017 and did not have a place to live with our family of seven people. For over 100 days we hopped from place to place across the Twin Cities. I know for a fact that hosting seven people, no matter how big your house is, is no walk in the park. It was inconvenient. It was a hassle. Most of the people didn’t even really know us. We had a crying infant. But I heard no grumbling (at least not to my face).
[How Can You Show Joyful Hospitality?] Who around you, perhaps an arm’s-length away fro you, can you lend a helping hand? Who can you open your home and heart to? Perhaps foster care? Perhaps a single between leases? Perhaps a family facing a layoff? Perhaps a single parent in need of help? Perhaps educating the children of working parents? Perhaps coming alongside the elderly? God owns it all! How earnest and fervent is your love? How gracious is our hospitality? How joyful are we in opening our homes? Peter then turns from love and hospitality, to using our varied gifts in verses 10–11.
Service Graciously (10–11)
1 Peter 4:10–11 “10 As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: 11 whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.”
[Using Our Gifts] Notice with me the following. All believers have received at least one gift. Christians are to use these gifts in serving one another. All believers are stewards of these gifts of grace. This means God gave them to be used and not hoarded. They are to be used for others, rather than for ourselves. Peter gives two categories as a catch all for the gifts: speaking and serving. These are to be done in and through the power of God in order to speak the words of God and serve by the strength that God supplies. Much like Paul in Colossians 3:17, he says, “in word and deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus” (Col. 3:17).
[Each Received as Stewards] We are stewards of these gifts. Gifts are not for our boasting, our personal edification, or for our personal fulfillment. We are managers that have been entrusted gifts that we are to use to build up others. [COVID & Cleaning] One of the challenges with reopening is that the Minnesota Health Department COVID guidelines indicated that all touched surfaces needed to be cleaned. That means the backs of these wooden chairs needed to be wiped down. We have volunteers that have wiped these chairs after each service. They’ve never been cleaner. Our gifts are to as a manifestation of God’s grace in the lives of others.
[Serves by the Strength that God Supplies] Believers are to serve out of the strength that God supplies. There is a progression here. God gives gifts to believers. Believers use those gifts to serve one another. When one receives that gift from a fellow believer but is ultimately from God, God gets glory in and through the church. Now the question then is that flow being stopped? God has given you gifts. And the church needs those gifts: speaking, serving, loving, hosting, giving, and so forth. Is God’s varied grace flowing through you into the life of the church? Or are you somehow stopping up God’s grace that is supposed to be flowing through the body? Yes we need children’s teachers, small group leaders, welcomers, nursery workers, counselors, generous givers, and all the other gifts at work in this body.
[Aim of it All] And aim of all of this loving, hospitality, serving and speaking, is for this purpose: “that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 4:11). That is the deep and beautiful and profound aim of our lives. Whether we eat, or drink, or whatever we do, that we do all for the glory of God.
[Believer’s Deflect Glory] When we become followers of Jesus, something amazing happens. We go from being glory thieves to become glory reflectors. We no longer hunger for recognition, praise, and accolades, because we don’t serve out of our own power, strength, or ingenuity. Instead, we rely on God’s strength and when others get helped, we say “praise God!” God gets the glory because he’s the source of the power, he’s the source of the strength, he’s the source of the gifts, and he’s the source of the wisdom. Believers deflect and reflect the glory back to God because he alone is worthy of praise, glory, and honor. This is how God has gloriously designed the church to work.
[Concluding Doxology] Peterconcludes with a doxology for this section that begun at 2:11. Again reminding his readers that to Jesus belongs all glory and dominion forever. Jesus rules and reigns from heaven, and he is now at work in and through his people so that he might be glorified.
Application & Conclusion
[Final Illustration] Let me end with this story. In a French village after World War II, when most of the buildings had been bombed out. The towns people came together to help rebuild some of the bombed buildings. They started with the church and cleared the debris, installed new windows, and rebuilt the pews. In the debris they found a marble statue of Jesus and attempted to cement it back together. But they could not find the hands despite searching high and low. Nonetheless, the statue was restored to its normal place, and in a moment of inspiration a soldier hung a placard underneath with the words, “He has no hands but yours.”1 That story makes the point that we are now the hands and feet of Jesus. We are the body of Christ. We represent Jesus to a watching world. We have the privilege of loving, serving, and speaking out of the multifaceted grace that Jesus pours into us so that God would get all the glory.
[Closing] The end of all things is at hand, therefore, brothers and sisters, we get to love, serve, and live in light of the end. We have an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, born again to a living hope, and so we can expend ourselves, use our gifts, and give of our resources to build up and strength one another. In so doing, we magnify and glorify Jesus all sufficient grace that is given to us all. He is not stingy, but lavishes his grace liberally so that his church is edified, the world is awakened to his infinite worth and power, and Jesus Christ gets all the glory.
Sermon Discussion Questions
Sermon Title: Loving in Light of the End
Sermon Text: 1 Peter 4:7–11
Main Point & Aim: Believers are to live together and love one another in light of the imminence of Christ’s return so that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ.
Stunning Statement: “the end of all things is at hand” (7a)
Four Implications for Believers:
Clear thinking (7b)
Persevering love (8)
Gracious hospitality (9)
Godward service (10–11)
Intro Question: If you knew that you only had three years to live, how would that change how you live right now? Why?
Discussion Questions:
What does it mean when Peter says “the end of all things is at hand?” Where else in 1 Peter does he allude to a similar theme?
How does self-control and sober-mindedness relate to prayer? How are they connected?
How does love “cover over” a multitude of sins? How does this relate to relationships within the Christian community?
Why is hospitality a distinctive trait of Christian community?
How are believers to view and exercise their spiritual gifts? What is the purpose of exercising these gifts?
Application Questions:
How often do you ponder “the end of all things” and how does that truth influence or impact your actions towards others?
If your prayer life was a gauge of your heavenly mindedness, how would you say you’re doing? How can we increasingly grow to be more prayerful and Godward in our affections?
How can you put into practice earnest love, joyful hospitality, and the faithful exercise of your spiritual gifts to build up and bless others in this local church?
Prayer Focus:
Reflect on how privileged and blessed we are to live in the final stage of redemptive history. Thank God for giving us his word and the knowledge of Christ’s life, death, resurrection, and ascension. Confess any temptation to withdraw, to become self-focused, to flee hardship, or to withdraw from Christian community when circumstances grow difficult or trials seem great. Ask God for enabling strength through his Holy Spirit in order to exercise your gifts of hospitality, love, service, giving, and speaking so that God would receive all the glory through Jesus Christ.
1 Arkansas Baptist State Convention, "May 25, 1961" (1961). Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine. 69 (https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/arbaptnews/69).