

2022-07-15  本文已影响0人  mrkison




面临这个问题,我们就能使用苹果提供的@propertyWrapper属性包装来处理,其中喵神已经做了很全面的说明:使用 Property Wrapper 为 Codable 解码设定默认值,如果只关心实现方案,就可以直接看我这里。



/// 让需要有默认值的,遵循这个协议,提供默认值的能力,就是让模型必须有个静态属性
protocol DefaultValue {
    associatedtype DefValue: Codable, DefaultValue
    static var defaultValue: DefValue { get }
/// 属性包装
struct Default<T: DefaultValue> {
    var wrappedValue: T.DefValue

2、因为编解码是要实现Codable的,所以让Default遵循Codable协议,实现init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {}这个方法,在失败时传入我们的默认值T.defaultValue

extension Default: Codable {
    init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        let container = try decoder.singleValueContainer()
        wrappedValue = (try? container.decode(T.DefValue.self)) ?? T.defaultValue

3、在解码时会调用到KeyedDecodingContainer中的各种decode方法,例如:func decode(Double.Type, forKey: KeyedDecodingContainer<K>.Key) -> Double,我们就需要在KeyedDecodingContainerDefault扩展一个解码方法,也是在解码失败给他传入我们的默认值

extension KeyedDecodingContainer {
    func decode<T>(
        _ type: Default<T>.Type,
        forKey key: Key
    ) throws -> Default<T> where T: DefaultValue {
        try decodeIfPresent(type, forKey: key) ?? Default(wrappedValue: T.defaultValue)


// MARK: Dictionary默认值扩展
extension Dictionary: DefaultValue where Key: Codable, Value: DefaultValue & Codable {
    static var defaultValue: [Key: Value] { get { return [Key: Value]() } }

// MARK: Array默认值扩展
extension Array: DefaultValue where Element: DefaultValue & Codable {
    static var defaultValue: [Element] { get { return [] } }

// MARK: Float默认值扩展
extension Float: DefaultValue {
    static var defaultValue: Float = 0
// MARK: Double默认值扩展
extension Double: DefaultValue {
    static var defaultValue: Double = 0
// MARK: Bool默认值扩展
extension Bool: DefaultValue {
    static let defaultValue = false
    enum True: DefaultValue {
        static let defaultValue = true

// MARK: String默认值扩展
extension String: DefaultValue {
    static let defaultValue = ""
extension String {
    enum Empty: DefaultValue {
        static let defaultValue = ""

extension Int: DefaultValue {
    static let defaultValue = 0
    enum NegativeOne: DefaultValue {
        static let defaultValue = -1

// MARK: 取别名
extension Default {
    typealias True = Default<Bool.True>
    typealias False = Default<Bool>
    typealias EmptyString = Default<String>
    /// Int
    typealias ZeroInt = Default<Int>


class FSDefStuct: Codable, DefaultValue {
    @Default<Array> var arr: [FSDefStuctArr] = .defaultValue
    @Default<FSDefStuctBody> var body: FSDefStuctBody = .defaultValue
    @Default<Int> var id: Int = .defaultValue

    static let defaultValue = FSDefStuct()
    required init() {}

class FSDefStuctBody: Codable, DefaultValue {
    @Default<String> var Auth: String = .defaultValue
    @Default<String> var name: String = .defaultValue

    static let defaultValue = FSDefStuctBody()
    required init() {}

class FSDefStuctArr: Codable, DefaultValue {
    @Default<String> var name: String = .defaultValue
    @Default<MyType> var type: MyType = .defaultValue

    static let defaultValue = FSDefStuctArr()
    required init() {}

enum MyType: Int, Codable, DefaultValue {
    case swift
    case OC
    case undefine
    static let defaultValue = MyType.undefine

private let testJson = #"{"id": 12345, "body": {"name": "abc", "Auth": "erd"}, "arr": [{"type": 0, "name":"swift"},{"type": 1, "name":"OC"},{"type": 5, "name":"Java"}]}"#

如上面的{"type": 5, "name":"Java"}就是没在我的定义范围内,就会默认转为case undefine,其他的可以将上面testJson中任意删除掉一些字段,或写为null做测试。


  "arr" : {
    "wrappedValue" : [
        "name" : {
          "wrappedValue" : "swift"
        "type" : {
          "wrappedValue" : 0
        "name" : {
          "wrappedValue" : "OC"
        "type" : {
          "wrappedValue" : 1
        "name" : {
          "wrappedValue" : "Java"
        "type" : {
          "wrappedValue" : 2
  "id" : {
    "wrappedValue" : 12345
  "body" : {
    "wrappedValue" : {
      "name" : {
        "wrappedValue" : "abc"
      "Auth" : {
        "wrappedValue" : "erd"


extension KeyedEncodingContainer {
    mutating func encode<T>(
        _ value: Default<T>,
        forKey key: Self.Key
    ) throws where T : Encodable & DefaultValue {
        try encodeIfPresent(value.wrappedValue, forKey: key)


  "arr" : [
      "name" : "swift",
      "type" : 0
      "name" : "OC",
      "type" : 1
      "name" : "Java",
      "type" : 2
  "id" : 12345,
  "body" : {
    "name" : "abc",
    "Auth" : "erd"


import Foundation

class DefaultCodableBuilder: BuilderProtocol {
    func isMatchLang(_ lang: LangType) -> Bool {
        return  lang == .DefualtCodable
    func propertyText(_ type: PropertyType, keyName: String, strategy: PropertyStrategy, maxKeyNameLength: Int, typeName: String?) -> String {
        assert(!((type == .Dictionary || type == .ArrayDictionary) && typeName == nil), " Dictionary type the typeName can not be nil")
        let tempKeyName = strategy.processed(keyName)
        var str = ""
        switch type {
        case .String, .Null:
            str = "\t<String> var \(tempKeyName): String\n"
        case .Int:
            str = "\t<Int> var \(tempKeyName): Int\n"
        case .Float:
            str = "\t<Float> var \(tempKeyName): Float\n"
        case .Double:
            str = "\t<Double> var \(tempKeyName): Double\n"
        case .Bool:
            str = "\t<Bool> var \(tempKeyName): Bool\n"
        case .Dictionary:
            str = "\t<\(typeName!)> var \(tempKeyName): \(typeName!)\n"
        case .ArrayString, .ArrayNull:
            str = "\t<Array> var \(tempKeyName): [String]\n"
        case .ArrayInt:
            str = "\t<Array> var \(tempKeyName): [Int]\n"
        case .ArrayFloat:
            str = "\t<Array> var \(tempKeyName): [Float]\n"
        case .ArrayDouble:
            str = "\t<Array> var \(tempKeyName): [Double]\n"
        case .ArrayBool:
            str = "\t<Array> var \(tempKeyName): [Bool]\n"
        case .ArrayDictionary:
            str = "\t<Array> var \(tempKeyName): [\(typeName!)]\n"

        str.insert(contentsOf: "@Default", at: str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: 1))
        str.insert(contentsOf: " = .defaultValue", at: str.index(str.endIndex, offsetBy: -1))

        return str
    func contentParentClassText(_ clsText: String?) -> String {
       return StringUtils.isEmpty(clsText) ? ": Codable" : ": \(clsText!)"
    func contentText(_ structType: StructType, clsName: String, parentClsName: String, propertiesText: inout String, propertiesInitText: inout String?, propertiesGetterSetterText: inout String?) -> String {
        if structType == .class {
            return "\nclass \(clsName)\(parentClsName), DefaultValue {\n\(propertiesText)\n\tstatic let defaultValue = \(clsName)()\n\trequired init() {}\n}\n"
        } else {
            return "\nstruct \(clsName)\(parentClsName), DefaultValue {\n\(propertiesText)\n\tstatic let defaultValue = \(clsName)(\(propertiesInitText!.substring(from: 2)))\n}\n"
    func fileExtension() -> String {
        return "swift"
    func fileImportText(_ rootName: String, contents: [Content], strategy: PropertyStrategy, prefix: String?) -> String {
        return"\nimport Foundation\n"




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