85.Baking for winter holidays is tradition thatmay have a sound medical basis. In midwinter, when days are short, many peoplesuffer from a specific type of seasonal depression caused by lack of sunlight.Carbohydrates, both sugars and starches, boost the brain's levels of serotonin,a neurotransmitter that improve the mood. In this respect, carbon hydrates acton the brain in the same way as some antidepressants, Thus, eating holidaycookies may provide an effective form of self-prescribed medication.
Which one of the following can be properly inferredfrom the passage?
(A) Seasonal depression is one of the most easilytreated forms of depression.
(B) Lack of sunlight lowers the level of serotoninin the brain.
(C) People are more likely to be depressed inmidwinter than at other times of the year.
(D) Some antidepressants act by changing thebrain's level of serotonin.
(E) Raising the level of neurotransmitters in thebrain effectively relieves depression.
86.Thecurrent proposal to give college students a broader choice in planning theirown courses of study should be abandoned. the students who are supporting theproposal will never be satisfied, no matter what requirements are established.some of these students have reached their third year without declaring a first-year student has failed to complete four required courses. severalothers have indicated a serious indifference to grades and intellectualachievement.
A flaw in the argument is that it does which one ofthe following?
(A) avoids the issue by focusing on supporters ofthe proposal
(B) argues circularly by assuming the conclusion istrue in stating the premises
(C) fails to define the critical term“satisfied”
(D) distorts the proposal advocated by opponents
(E) uses the term“student”equivocally