异常描述:flink作业中,用到了window算子,由于消费速度有点慢,打算把算子并行度调整到176,但是重启之后报错,如异常一,后来了解到,这是由于flink window最大并行度是128导致,我们自定义并行度的时候,最大不能超过128,否则会导致状态找不到;
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: The state for task 5b9f4c89ff7efe953d1a4d9e0e8b842b can not be restored. The maximum parallelism (128) of the restored state is lower than the configured parallelism (176). Please reduce the parallelism of the task to be lower or equal to the maximum parallelism.
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to rollback to checkpoint/savepoint Checkpoint Metadata (version=2). Max parallelism mismatch between checkpoint/savepoint state and new program. Cannot map operator 9f477b1dc5f0134af760aa9667074222 with max parallelism 128 to new program with max parallelism 512. This indicates that the program has been changed in a non-compatible way after the checkpoint/savepoint.