[OS64][028]源码阅读:程序5-1 从内核层(0特权级)

2019-06-20  本文已影响0人  AkuRinbu




程序5-1 运行

cd bootloader
make clean
cd ../

cd kernel
make clean

cd ../
sudo mount boot.img media -t vfat -o loop
sudo cp bootloader/loader.bin media
sudo cp bootloader/boot.bin media
sudo cp kernel/kernel.bin media

bochs -f ./bochsrc
程序5-1 运行结果.png

程序 5-1 源码执行流程

1、到函数 init 为止的流程,可以参考:

[OS64][026]源码阅读:程序4-11 切换到第二个进程 ,程序执行过程示意图

2、进入程序5-1的 函数 init(task.c):

unsigned long init(unsigned long arg)
    struct pt_regs *regs;

    color_printk(RED,BLACK,"init task is running,arg:%#018lx\n",arg);

    current->thread->rip = (unsigned long)ret_system_call;
    current->thread->rsp = (unsigned long)current + STACK_SIZE - sizeof(struct pt_regs);
    regs = (struct pt_regs *)current->thread->rsp;

    __asm__ __volatile__    (   "movq   %1, %%rsp   \n\t"
                    "pushq  %2      \n\t"
                    "jmp    do_execve   \n\t"

    return 1;

3、跳转到函数 do_execve(task.c) :

// task.c
void user_level_function()
    color_printk(RED,BLACK,"user_level_function task is running\n");

unsigned long do_execve(struct pt_regs * regs)
    regs->rdx = 0x800000;   //RIP
    regs->rcx = 0xa00000;   //RSP
    regs->rax = 1;  
    regs->ds = 0;
    regs->es = 0;
    color_printk(RED,BLACK,"do_execve task is running\n");

    memcpy(user_level_function,(void *)0x800000,1024);

    return 0;

// lib.h
  From => To memory copy Num bytes
inline void * memcpy(void *From,void * To,long Num)
. . .   
return To;

3、从do_execve(task.c) 返回,实则进入函数 ret_system_call(entry.S):

    movq    %rax,   0x80(%rsp)       
    popq    %r15                 
    popq    %r14                    
    popq    %r13                    
    popq    %r12                    
    popq    %r11                    
    popq    %r10                    
    popq    %r9                 
    popq    %r8                 
    popq    %rbx                    
    popq    %rcx                    
    popq    %rdx                    
    popq    %rsi                    
    popq    %rdi                    
    popq    %rbp                    
    popq    %rax                    
    movq    %rax,   %ds          
    popq    %rax                 
    movq    %rax,   %es          
    popq    %rax                 
    addq    $0x38,  %rsp    
    .byte   0x48         

// ptrace.h
struct pt_regs
    unsigned long r15;
    . . .
    unsigned long rax;
    unsigned long func;
    unsigned long errcode;
    unsigned long rip;
    unsigned long cs;
    unsigned long rflags;
    unsigned long rsp;
    unsigned long ss;
RDX = 0x800000
RCX = 0xa00000
.byte   0x48         
执行完之后,相当于 RIP =0x800000,跳转到用户层开始执行
并且设置了RSP=0xa00000 将用户层的栈基地址设置在0xa00000


|-----  -----|---- kernel -----|---- ----|. . . . . . . . .|--- user ----|
0           1MB               2MB                          8MB

程序5-1 调试过程

Please choose one: [6] 6
<bochs:1> b 0x10ae30
<bochs:2> c
(0) Breakpoint 1, 0xffff80000010ae30 in ?? ()
Next at t=63148016
(0) [0x00000010ae30] 0008:ffff80000010ae30 (unk. ctxt): push rbp                  ; 55

<bochs:3> b 0x10af0a
<bochs:4> c
00063152000i[XGUI  ] GFX snapshot: 1440 x 900 x 32 bpp (5184000 bytes)
(0) Breakpoint 2, 0xffff80000010af0a in ?? ()
Next at t=63245704
(0) [0x00000010af0a] 0008:ffff80000010af0a (unk. ctxt): mov rsp, qword ptr ds:[rbx+16] ; 488b6310

<bochs:5> s
Next at t=63245705
(0) [0x00000010af0e] 0008:ffff80000010af0e (unk. ctxt): push qword ptr ds:[rdx+8] ; ff7208

<bochs:6> s
Next at t=63245706
(0) [0x00000010af11] 0008:ffff80000010af11 (unk. ctxt): jmp .-381 (0xffff80000010ad99) ; e983feffff

<bochs:7> print-stack
Stack address size 8
 | STACK 0xffff800000207f38 [0xffff8000:0x00104027]
<bochs:8> s
Next at t=63245707
(0) [0x00000010ad99] 0008:ffff80000010ad99 (unk. ctxt): push rbp                  ; 55

<bochs:9> b 0x10ae2f
<bochs:10> c
(0) Breakpoint 3, 0xffff80000010ae2f in ?? ()
Next at t=63302538
(0) [0x00000010ae2f] 0008:ffff80000010ae2f (unk. ctxt): ret                       ; c3

<bochs:11> s
Next at t=63302539
(0) [0x000000104027] 0008:ffff800000104027 (unk. ctxt): mov qword ptr ss:[rsp+128], rax ; 4889842480000000

<bochs:16> u 0x104027 0x104055
00104027: (                    ): mov qword ptr ss:[rsp+128], rax ; 4889842480000000
0010402f: (                    ): pop r15                   ; 415f
00104031: (                    ): pop r14                   ; 415e
00104033: (                    ): pop r13                   ; 415d
00104035: (                    ): pop r12                   ; 415c
00104037: (                    ): pop r11                   ; 415b
00104039: (                    ): pop r10                   ; 415a
0010403b: (                    ): pop r9                    ; 4159
0010403d: (                    ): pop r8                    ; 4158
0010403f: (                    ): pop rbx                   ; 5b
00104040: (                    ): pop rcx                   ; 59
00104041: (                    ): pop rdx                   ; 5a
00104042: (                    ): pop rsi                   ; 5e
00104043: (                    ): pop rdi                   ; 5f
00104044: (                    ): pop rbp                   ; 5d
00104045: (                    ): pop rax                   ; 58
00104046: (                    ): mov ds, ax                ; 488ed8
00104049: (                    ): pop rax                   ; 58
0010404a: (                    ): mov es, ax                ; 488ec0
0010404d: (                    ): pop rax                   ; 58
0010404e: (                    ): add rsp, 0x0000000000000038 ; 4883c438
00104052: (                    ): sysexit                   ; 480f35

<bochs:21> q
00063302539i[      ] dbg: Quit
00063302539i[CPU0  ] CPU is in long mode (active)
00063302539i[CPU0  ] CS.mode = 64 bit
00063302539i[CPU0  ] SS.mode = 64 bit
00063302539i[CPU0  ] | RCX=0000000000000000  RDX=0000000000000400
00063302539i[CPU0  ] | RSP=ffff800000207f40  
00063302539i[CPU0  ] | SEG sltr(index|ti|rpl)     base    limit G D
00063302539i[CPU0  ] |  CS:0008( 0001| 0|  0) 00000000 00000000 0 0
00063302539i[CPU0  ] |  DS:0010( 0002| 0|  0) 00000000 00000000 0 0
00063302539i[CPU0  ] |  SS:0010( 0002| 0|  0) 00000000 00000000 0 0
00063302539i[CPU0  ] | RIP=ffff800000104027 (ffff800000104027)
00063302539i[CMOS  ] Last time is 1561038347 (Thu Jun 20 21:45:47 2019)
00063302539i[XGUI  ] Exit
00063302539i[SIM   ] quit_sim called with exit code 0

Please choose one: [6] 6
(0) [0x0000fffffff0] f000:fff0 (unk. ctxt): jmpf 0xf000:e05b          ; ea5be000f0
<bochs:1> b 0x104052
<bochs:2> c
(0) Breakpoint 1, 0xffff800000104052 in ?? ()
Next at t=63285312
(0) [0x000000104052] 0008:ffff800000104052 (unk. ctxt): sysexit                   ; 480f35

<bochs:10> q
00063285313i[      ] dbg: Quit
00063285313i[CPU0  ] CPU is in long mode (active)
00063285313i[CPU0  ] CS.mode = 64 bit
00063285313i[CPU0  ] SS.mode = 64 bit 
00063285313i[CPU0  ] | RCX=0000000000a00000  RDX=0000000000800000
00063285313i[CPU0  ] | RSP=0000000000a00000 
00063285313i[CPU0  ] | SEG sltr(index|ti|rpl)     base    limit G D
00063285313i[CPU0  ] |  CS:002b( 0005| 0|  3) 00000000 ffffffff 1 0
00063285313i[CPU0  ] |  DS:0000( 0000| 0|  0) 00000000 00000000 0 0
00063285313i[CPU0  ] |  SS:0033( 0006| 0|  3) 00000000 ffffffff 1 1
00063285313i[CPU0  ] | RIP=0000000000800000 (0000000000800000)
00063285313i[CMOS  ] Last time is 1561039536 (Thu Jun 20 22:05:36 2019)
00063285313i[XGUI  ] Exit
00063285313i[SIM   ] quit_sim called with exit code 0

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