
New Year

2017-01-06  本文已影响23人  凡意

People treat the beginning of a year as a restart, for choosing again,or giving up. Like tonight, the last few hours of the year 2016, people are screaming, laughing, mocking, wishing, whispering, hugging…

Everybody seems to be immersed in the New Year atmosphere, thinking about the leaving whole year and make promises for the coming one.

Wishes, wishes, and still wishes…I have no idea about my hopes but feel excited anyway. Every time I touch excitement, I become emotional,  crying and laughing like a little girl. I desperately hope someone may understand this insane shit as the way I do, but how can I say, reality is reality like our planet always circles around the orbit and nothing could change that point, at least not everybody.

I like dark nights, especially for some shinning ones. You always feel  something romantic when you actually hand yourself totally to the nights, like dark knights. Besides, darkness can help you think and figure out, though confusing is also beautiful. What the dark romance!

The year is becoming history and I wanna cry, crying out hard, using  out all my energy as a gift to the new year. Several days ago, I lost my U disk in a strange place, a place I’m not familiar at all, in which keeps all my memories about my life, one of my most unforgettable parts, my college. I lostmy memory, like a lost little girl, sinking into a deep sea with flashes hitting on my face, without a feeling. I feel hurtful, truly, while my friend told me to move on, to enjoy the new life and let the past go.

Yes, I have to, god leaving me no choice. I’m that kind of person who hates to look back but only feels complete when holding the past.

Once my girl friend asked me my best wish, I told her that I would make everybody around me feel loved. By now, I’m not sure whether I could make it,luckily, still holding that.

Maybe that’s why I love The Great Gatsby, cause there’s green light all the time. The Great Gatsby, yes, Gatsby, you Are great.

Anyway, forget about the bullshit. At the end of the year 2016, please allow me to wish each one happy and sound in the next year.

Trust yourself, we do have a restart, and when you face that, just be your self and love hard.

New Year New Year New Year New Year New Year
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