24. Minimum Spanning Trees 2

2017-11-02  本文已影响0人  何大炮

The second algorithm for the MST problem is Prim’s algorithm, which also adopts the greedy policy.
In this case, the edges in A always form a single subtree. In contrast, the edges in A in the Kruskal’s algorithm always form a forest.

Prim’s algorithm

  1. We start with A= empty, and a vertex set U={r},where r is any vertex in V.
  2. Add a light edge' 2 node from U to A,
  3. This procedure continues until the edges in A form a minimum spanning tree.
    Main concept:An edge "a" of least weight with exactly one of its endpoints being in U.


  1. one priority queue: initially store all the node with value infinite in the graph.
  2. a list: initially empty but aim to store all the MST nodes one by one.


  1. pop one node A from the priority queue, according to graph matrix, obtain the distance between A with its neighbors
  2. refresh their value in priority queue(keep smallest), during every time of the refreshing, do heapify on priority queue.
  3. add A into list.

Continue doing until the priority queue is empty.

Time Complexity: 对每一个邻居都会做 heapify,即 |E| log|V|,其他时间都是constant。所以时间复杂度维 |E| log|V|。


