旋元佑进阶语法(十一)(主语动词一致性 + 倒装句)
第二十章 主语动词一致性
第二十一章 倒装句
第二十章 主语动词一致性
1. 单数形用复数动词
There are people waiting outside to see you.
Three aboriginal peoples live along this river.
Many fish in this lake live on algae.
2. 复数形用单数动词
Mathematics is an exacting science. (数学是门很严谨的科学。)
Mumps is not a serious disease.(腮腺炎并不是什么大病。)
3. 单位
Seven thousand dollars is a lot of money to spend in one evening!
Two hours and 28 minutes is the total length of the movie.
(两小时 28 分是这部电影的总长度。)
Five kilometers is not too long a distance to walk in one hour.
Three pounds of brown sugar is quite enough for now.
4. 单复数动词皆可
The media has been(or have been) reporting this murder for days.
This data is(or These data are) quite out-of-date.
Statistics draws heavily on mathematics. (解释为「统计学」时它是不可数的抽象名词,应采单数动 词。)
This statistic is quite accurate.
These statistics are mostly accurate.
4.1 集合名词
集合名词如 family「家庭」, crew「全体机员、船员」, committee「委员会」, staff「幕 僚」, faculty「全体教职员」, team「队」, police「警方」, government「政府」等等,如果指 的是一个「单位」,应采单数动词。但是如果意思是单位中的「人们」,就要用复数动词。
- The police is working on this case.
(警方正在办这件案子。)- The police are here.
- The committee was founded in 1980, so it has quite a bit of history now..
(委员会成立于 1980 年,所以现在算是颇有历史了。)- The committee are mostly seated now, and they are impatient to begin.
- My family is large.
(我家是个大家庭。)- My family are all highly educated intellectuals.
4.2 由限定符分析
All the students have gone on the trip.
All the money has been put in the bank.
All of the students have gone on the trip. (all of = 全部)
All of the money has been put in the bank.
Part of the difficulty lies in communication.
One-third of the products were defective.
Half of the participants have finished the marathon now.
Some of the time was spent on looking for tools.
Most of my high school classmates are in college now.
More of the blame is on me than on you. (我的错比你多。)
- Less, fewer
- Less money was spent on education than on national defense.
- Fewer people go to the U.S. to study now than 10 years ago.
- A lot of, lots of
- A lot of mistakes were made because of the time pressure. (出了许多错误,都是因为时间压力造成的。)
- Lots of the credit goes to the project manager. (许多功劳都是项目经理的。)
- None of
- None of the meat was left. (肉一点也不剩。)
- None of the sandwiches was fresh. (三明治没有一个新鲜的。)
- None of the restaurants were open. (餐厅一家都没开门。)
- A number of, the number
- A number of major earthquakes happen every year. (每年都要发生数起大地震。)「若干个」
- The number of major earthquakes last year was five. (去年大地震的数目是五起。)「这个数字」
- A pair
英语中像是 trousers「长裤」、glasses「眼镜」、scissors「剪刀」、pliers「钳子」、shoes「鞋子」这些名词,习惯都采复数形。
- A pair of shoes is left outside the door. (一双鞋放在门外。)
- Three pairs of shoes are left outside the door. (三双鞋放在门外。)
- These shoes were new. (鞋子是新的。)
- Every, each, either, neither, many a
Every day is a new beginning. (每一天都是新的开始。)
Each participant is entitled to a memorial pin.
Each of the participants is entitled to a memorial pin. (每一名参加者都有权领一枚纪念章。)
Either way is fine with me.
Either of the ways is fine with me. (两种做法,随便哪一种我都没意见。)
Neither solution looks attractive.
Neither of the solutions looks attractive. (两种解决方案,没有哪一种看起来很好。)
Many a student has felt the urge to cheat in exams. (许多学生都曾感觉到想要考试作弊的冲动。)
4.3 主语后接介词词组
句子的主语如果有介词词组跟在后面修饰它,通常要把介词词组忽略掉,因为介系 词词组只是可有可无的修饰语,不会影响到动词
John together with his family is on vacation in Florida. (约翰和家人一起到欧洲渡假去了。)
The list of Presidential candidates is in today’s newspapers. (总统候选人的名单登在今天的报纸上。)
Monkeys in this national park are a menace to visitors. (这个国家公园内的猴子对游客是一大威胁。)
5 并列连词
- And
正常的情况,A and B 的构造表示 A 和 B 两个都是主语,应该是复数
A digital camera and an expensive watch were stolen.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. (只有工作没有休闲,会变成书呆子。)
all work = no play 虽然是两个名词词组,但是叙述的 却是同一件事,可以说是一体的两面,用反复陈述的方式来加强语气,所以还是应该视为单 数看待
Every man and every woman has to make sacrifices for the war. (不分男女,每一个人都必须为战争做出牺牲。)
这种 反复陈述的方式来强调「每一个人,不分男女」,所以还是要用单数动词
A black and white cat is perched on the windowsill. (有一只黑白两色的花猫坐在窗台上。)
A black and a white cat are chasing after a mouse. (一只黑猫、一只白猫在追老鼠。)
A knife and fork is wrapped up in a paper towel. (一套刀叉包在纸巾内。)
这种构造是把「刀叉」视为「一套」看待,所 以是单数,
Oil and water do not mix. (油和水混不起来。)
oil 和 water 都是不可数的物质名词,因此都采用零冠词。既然是两个名词词组,就是两样东 西,因此要用复数动词(do not mix)。
- Both … and (复数)
Both the poet and the philosopher are giving a lecture tonight
- Or(就近)
John** is** going to bring the wine or his friends are going to bring the wine. (就近原则)
John or his friends are going to bring the wine. (John 或者他的朋友会带酒来。)
Is John going to bring the wine or are his friends going to bring the wine?(就近原则)
Is John or his friends going to bring the wine? (是 John 还是他的朋友要带酒来?)
- Either … or, neither … nor (就近)
Either one red pill is going to stop the pain or two white pills are going to stop the pain.
Either one red pill or two white pills are going to stop the pain. (或者一粒红药丸、或者两粒白药丸可以止痛。)
Neither the mayor nor his advisors support the taxcut proposal. (市长与他的顾问群都不支持减税案。)
前面 the mayor 的部分可以还原为 the mayor supports the taxcut proposal 这个并列从句,用 neither … nor 这组并列连词和后面的并列从句连接,然后省略掉与后面重复的部分(supports the taxcut proposal),结果就会成为前面那句。
- But (看肯定哪个)
The eggs but not the hen were stolen. (是蛋被偷了,而不是母鸡。)(肯定eggs)
All but one of the students were able to pass the exam. (所有学生除了一个以外,全都考及格了。)(肯定all)
- Not only … but also (就近)
Not only my friends but also I am against the plan. (不仅我的朋友们,就连我自己也反对这项计划。)
6. 比较级
As well as 和 no less than 可以视为状语从句外加的连词。但是从来源来看,这两个构造都是比较级。比较级的句子有对称的要求,而前后对称工整的时候难免就会有重复,所以 也经常会有省略。如果主语的单复数不容易判断,把省略的东西还原之后就比较容易看得出 来。
- as well as
France as well as other nations in the EU has adopted the Euro. (法国和欧盟其他国家一样都已经采用了欧元。)
France ,as well as other nations in the EU, has adopted the Euro. (法国和欧盟其他国家一样都已经采用了欧元。)
France has adopted the Euro, as well as other nations in the EU . (法国和欧盟其他国家一样都已经采用了欧元。)
- no less than (不下于)
The numerous stories behind it, no less than the painting itself, have fascinated viewers for ages. (它背后众多的传说,不下于这幅画作本身,多年来一直令观众着迷。)
The coach, no less than all the players, deserves praise. (教练和所有球员一样都值得夸奖。)
7. 分裂句
分裂句是一种强调语气的句型(见第十九章)。标准的分裂句以 it is … that …的句型呈现,当中主要从句的主语 it 是个虚字,它的动词必须采单数形。后面的 that 从句是个关系 从句,如果从句的主语是关系代词,从句的动词就要视先行词的单复数而定。
It is those friends of yours [that are to blame for the accident].
8. 动名词,动词不定词,名词从句
Smoking is an awful habit. (抽烟是个坏习惯。)
To see her is to love her. (看到她一定就会爱上她。)
What I need is your word. (我需要的是你的承诺。)
第二十一章 倒装句
- 倒装句的特色在于主语和动词的顺序颠倒:动词在前、主语在后。从这个定义来看,所 有的疑问句都可以算是倒装句。疑问句属于比较基础的语法,比较值得研究的是具有修辞功 能的倒装句。
- 动词要移到主语前面构成倒装句,通常得先有别的元素为了某种修辞原因移动到句首, 动词只不过是被它带着走。而且,动词的倒装又分成几种方式:有时候是直接把普通动词移 到主语前面、有时候是只能移动助动词或 be 动词,有时候则是要加上像 do 之类的助动词在 前面。以下就依动词移动的方式,分成四种情况来探讨倒装句。
1. 直接移动动词
- A. 引用句
The weatherman says, “The typhoon is expected to swerve north for Japan.”
“The typhoon is expected to swerve north for Japan,” says the weatherman.
这个句子,选择把宾语从句(引用句)倒装到句首是为了加强语气:读者比较有兴趣知道的是气象预报说了些什么「内容」、而不是「谁说的」,所以选择把比较重要的引用句移到句首。而宾语从句一旦移到句首,与宾语直接相关的动词 says 就可以跟着它移动到主语前面,因而构成倒装句。
The weatherman says that the typhoon is expected to swerve north for Japan.
这个句子里面有一个由从属连词 that 引导的名词从句(间接引句)当宾语。可以选择 省略掉连词 that、把整个名词从句移到句首、动词 says 跟着移到主语前面成为倒装句
The typhoon is expected to swerve north for Japan, says the weatherman.
请注意:间接引句移到句首时,除了它前面的连词that 要省掉之外,它后面还要加个逗点,这样句型才能够分得清楚。
The typhoon, says the weatherman, is expected to swerve north for Japan.
The typhoon, says the weatherman, is expected to swerve north for Japan.
the weatherman says 可以视为一个可有可无的评论从句,而把前面的 the typhoon is expected to swerve north for Japan 视为主要从句。所谓评论从句,基本上是一种插 入句(embedding)。它插入的位置不一定是在句尾,也可以用一对逗点隔开、插入在主语 动词之间。这个插入句可以选择倒装、也可以不倒装
- 倒装还是不倒装
Green Peace, a small but vociferous organization dedicated to environmental protection by any means possible, warns that whale hunting will not be tolerated.
这句话的插入语太长,要强调的warns that whale hunting will not be tolerated.在后面,修辞不佳
Whale hunting will not be tolerated, Green Peace, a small but vociferous
organization dedicated to environmental protection by any means possible, warns
这句话要强调的句子虽然提前了,但 动词 warns 和宾语从句隔得太远,造成的结果就是句子不够清楚。这时候如果选择倒装、 让动词跟着宾语从句一同移到主语前面去
Whale hunting will not be tolerated, warns Green Peace, a small but
vociferous organization dedic ated to environmental protection by any means possible.
B. 类似 there is/are 的构造
第二种以直接移动动词的方式制造的倒装句,构造和 there is/are 的句型类似。
A book is there on the desk.
There is/are 这种最基本的句型,其实就是一种倒装句.地方副词和 be 动词提前了, 表示「有什么东 西在哪里」
There is a book on the desk.
Here comes the parade.
Away flew the birds.
上面这两个例子相同,都是把地方副词(here 与 away)移到句首来加强语气、动词(comes 与 flew)直接搬到主语前面构成倒装句。
- 这种倒装句除了加强语气,还常常用来增加上下文的连贯性。例如:
Across the street stood the drugstore. Next to the drugstore is a large park. In the park dwell dozens of ground squirrels.
这一连串三个句子都是把地方副词移到句首,然后直接把动词倒装到主语前面。这样处 理的好处是句子的连贯性较佳:这三个句子采用空间顺序(spatial order)排列,三句全部用 地方副词开头适足以呈现出空间顺序,文章发展的逻辑因而表现得更清楚、文章显得更有条 理。
C. 类似 there is/are 构造的关系从句
上述「类似 there is/are 的构造」如果出现在关系从句中,仍然可以采用直接移动动词的方式来倒装
- The Amazon is a pristine river.
- The deadly pirana roam in that river.
长得像there be 的也能换- The Amazon is a pristine river [in which the deadly pirana roam]. (in which 地方副词 = there)
- The Amazon is a pristine river [in which roam the deadly pirana].
The Amazon is a pristine river [which environmentalists love].
2. 助动词或 be 前移
动词的第二种倒装方式是把助动词或 be 移到主语前面,如果缺乏助动词或 be 就无法倒装。这种倒装方式只适用于一种情况:假设法语气的状语从句,可以选择把助动词或 be 倒 装到主语前面、取代连词 if。这种倒装方式取得的修辞效果是简洁:可以省略掉连词 if。
[If I had been there], I could have prevented the accident.
[Had I been there], I could have prevented the accident.
[If I were a millionaire], I would first buy a big house.
[Were I a millionaire], I would first buy a big house.
- 不过,虚拟语气的状语从句如果是普通动词(没有助动词或 be),就不能采用这种倒装方式。
[If I knew how], I would gladly do it. (很可惜我不会,不然我很乐意做这件事。)
3. 助动词或 be 前移、普通动词加 do
动词倒装的第三种方式是:若有助动词或 be 动词就移到前面,若只有普通动词则在前面加语法助动词 do。这种倒装方式专门用于「否定副词前移」的情况、以配合否定句。其 修辞效果在于加强语气。
I will never trouble you again.
Never will I trouble you again.
否定副词的倒装句,如果有 be 动词,做法和有助动词的情况类似:把 be 动词倒装到主词前面以维持否定句。
The train is seldom delayed.
Seldom is the train late.
否定副词移到句首以加强语气,如果句中没有 be 动词、也没有助动词,就必须加上文法助动词 do 之类以维持否定句
The man hardly ever leaves home after 9 p.m.
频率副词 hardly ever 具有否定功能,表示「几乎从不」。若移到句首来加强语气,后面 的普通动词 leaves 就必须加上语法助动词 does 来维持否定句、并把 does 倒装到主语前面, 成为如下的倒装句
Hardly ever does the man leave home after nine.
The doctor did not leave the patient [until he was sure everything was all right].
[Not until he was sure everything was all right] did the doctor leave the patient.
The Johnsons went abroad only last week.
Only last week did the Johnsons go abroad.
Only Mr. Johnson went abroad last week.
这时候,强调范围的副词 only 修饰的对象就是主语 Mr. Johnson,整个句子并没有任何 位置的移动,这种情况就不能倒装。
4. 助动词或 be 前移,普通动词以助动词 do 取代,省略谓语
动词倒装的最后一种方式类似省略句或简答句:把助动词或 be 移到主语前面、如果普通动词则在前面加助动词 do,其余一概省略以避免重复。这种倒装句的修饰效果在于加强简洁性与清楚性。它适用于以下两种状况。
- A. So do I, neither will I 之类
He likes basketball. So do I.
(他爱篮球。 我也是。)
前后两个句子只有主语不同,整个谓语(like basketball)都是相同的。这种情况可 以先用一个副词 so 来表示「同样」。再把它移到句首,目的是让它和它所代表的 like basketball 接近、比较较清楚。这个副词移到句首,动词就得跟着移到主语 I 的前面成为倒装句。同样 是为了避免重复,动词 like 应采用助动词 do 取代,成为 So do I 这个倒装句
He can speak Spanish. So can I.
(他会说西语。 我也会。)
He is a teacher. So am I.
(他是老师。 我也是。)
He won’t give up. Neither will I.
(他不肯放弃。 我也不肯。)
- B. 比较级
- My uncle loves his cat very much.
- His wife, who keeps a singing canary and two talking parrots, doesn’t love the cat so much.
A. My uncle loves his cat more [than his wife, who keeps a singing canary and two talking parrots, loves the cat].
B. My uncle loves his cat more [than his wife, who keeps a singing canary and two talking parrots, does].
状语从句中的主语 his wife 与动词 does 的距离太 远,而助动词 does 和它代表的对象 loves his cat 之间的距离也是太远。为了避免这种情况, 有一个好办法就是采用倒装:把 does 倒装到主语 his wife 前面
My uncle loves his cat more [than does his wife, who keeps a singing canary and two talking parrots].