剑桥小姐姐高效的晨间学习日常!{Morning Routine}
剑桥girl高效的morning routine
6:01起床。Get up early at 6:01 a.m. and go to toilet, do her hair...
收拾床铺,drink two bottles of water.
开始学习了:She starts go to work at 6:30 a.m.
学霸学习不用书,知识都存在脑袋里,一张纸搞定!用1个小时写今日计划和本周复习总结:Write a plan and an essay about what she learned in this week for about an hour.
高效to do做起来Grab a paper and write her to do list of something about her priority to help her work them out.
做早餐:The best thing about her life is to make her own breakfast!
自己做健康餐Grab some foods, including some banana, frozen mango, pineapple, spinach, almond milk and flaxseed(亚麻籽), which makes a whole day for her.
做学习卡片:And also she makes flash cards!!
吃点小食,休息一下:Do email usually around 11a.m. and take a break to get some snacks. She’s a foodie to be sure.
用一会儿电脑,继续做笔记:In the second time of half, she’ll take her computer and make some notes with blank paper.
把完成的任务从to do lost划掉:Take few things off her to do list of the topics she wants to go over.
学习半天后才看一小会儿手机:Do all of those stuffs, then she’ll check out her own instagram, Facebook and do something of socials...
便贴墙!大招来了!粘便利贴墙:Last thing is going over some sticks notes on her wall, which is amazing, huh!
最后祝各位: 好好学习,天天向上。