一起生信啦啦啦ChipSeq数据分析m6ASeq RNA甲基化测序


2018-08-03  本文已影响52人  苏牧传媒

ref: Homer Software and Data Download

# 满足条件:

The following UNIX utilities are required to use HOMER.  You might need to run your UNIX package manager to install them if missing (i.e. "sudo apt-get install wget"):

gcc g++ make perl zip/unzip gzip/gunzip wget

The following NGS tools may be required to perform certain analyses and are highly highly recommended:


R (with Bioconductor packages DESeq2, edgeR)

# conda:

conda install wget samtools r-essentials bioconductor-deseq2 bioconductor-edger

# 下载:

Download the "configureHomer.pl" script and place it in a directory where you would like homer to be installed (i.e. /home/chucknorris/homer/).

# 安装:

perl configureHomer.pl -install

# 环境:

gedit ~/.bashrc

source ~/.bashrc

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