
生信学习笔记:使用SNP data做基因渗入分析 (3)

2019-07-10  本文已影响13人  lakeseafly






wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mmatschiner/tutorials/master/analysis_of_introgression_with_snp_data/data/NC_031969.f5.sub1.vcf.gz


vi samples.txt

  IZA1  Outgroup
  IZC5  Outgroup
  AUE7  altfas
  AXD5  altfas
  JBD5  telvit
  JBD6  telvit
  JUH9  neobri
  JUI1  neobri
  LJC9  neocan
  LJD1  neocan
  KHA7  neochi
  KHA9  neochi
  IVE8  neocra
  IVF1  neocra
  JWH1  neogra
  JWH2  neogra
  JWG8  neohel
  JWG9  neohel
  JWH3  neomar
  JWH4  neomar
  JWH5  neooli
  JWH6  neooli
  ISA6  neopul
  ISB3  neopul
  ISA8  neosav
  IYA4  neosav
  KFD2  neowal
  KFD4  neowal


git clone https://github.com/millanek/Dsuite.git
cd Dsuite

Dsuite主要包含三个:“Dtrios”,“DtriosCombine”和“Dinvestigate”不同命令,这里我们计算D统计量主要用到 Dtrios,下面是该工具的帮助文档,大家可以熟悉一下,主要的参数就是-j,主要用于设定计算窗口的大小范围:

Usage: Dsuite Dtrios [OPTIONS] INPUT_FILE.vcf SETS.txt
Calculate the Dmin-statistic - the ABBA/BABA stat for all trios of species in the dataset (the outgroup being fixed)
the calculation is as definded in Durand et al. 2011
The SETS.txt should have two columns: SAMPLE_ID    SPECIES_ID
The outgroup (can be multiple samples) should be specified by using the keywork Outgroup in place of the SPECIES_ID

-h, --help                              display this help and exit
-j, --JKwindow                          (default=20000) Jackknife block size in SNPs
-r , --region=start,length              (optional) only process a subset of the VCF file
-t , --tree=TREE_FILE.nwk               (optional) a file with a tree in the newick format specifying the relationships between populations/species
                                        D values for trios arranged according to these relationships will be output in a file with _tree.txt suffix
-n, --run-name                          run-name will be included in the output file name


如Dsuite帮助文本上面所示,该程序可以运行Dsuite Dtrios [OPTIONS] INPUT_FILE.vcf SETS.txt。在我们的例子中,输入文件是NC_031969.f5.sub1.vcf.gz,而sets文件是包含之前写入的样本和物种ID的表samples.txt。因此,启动我们的测试数据集的Dsuite分析:

Dsuite Dtrios NC_031969.f5.sub1.vcf.gz samples.txt





altfas  neobri  neocan  1378.2  13479.6 4066.95
altfas  neobri  neochi  2281.67 2322.45 8154.16
altfas  neobri  neocra  1610.98 1495.17 14174.6
altfas  neobri  neogra  1618.4  1559.8  14312.1
altfas  neobri  neohel  1549.77 1416.71 14741.8
altfas  neobri  neomar  1980.94 1728.7  13168.8
altfas  neobri  neooli  1668.03 1460.84 14734.4
altfas  neobri  neopul  1279.66 1164.73 14283.7
altfas  neobri  neosav  1729.49 1616.15 12626.2
altfas  neobri  neowal  2525.99 2440.28 8572.34
altfas  neobri  telvit  2581.12 2688.36 8258.12
altfas  neocan  neochi  12306.4 1310.06 3745.6
altfas  neocan  neocra  14200.7 1395.33 4097.46
altfas  neocan  neogra  14825.3 1436.9  4286.4
altfas  neocan  neohel  14063.7 1361.83 4102.08
altfas  neocan  neomar  14794.6 1422.08 4181.25
altfas  neocan  neooli  14834.4 1408.33 4274.5

在这里,每一行显示分析一个三个物种的分析结果,例如在第一行中,Altolamprologus fasciatus(“altfas”)用作P1,Neolamprologus brichardi被认为是P2,而Neolamprologus cancellatus被放置在P3。然后该行的第五和第六列中的数字分别代表着:ABBA位点在该三个物种中的数量(C-ABBA)(其中衍生的等位基因由“neobri”和“neocan”共享)和BABA位点的计数,C-BABA(衍生的等位基因由“altfas”和“neocan”共享)。除了第5和第6列中BABA和ABBA位点的数量之外,第4列列出了“BBAA”位点的数量(C-BBAA),P1和P2共享衍生的等位基因(因此通过“altfas”和“ neobri“共享)。

你可能会注意到,在此文件中,所有三元组都按字母顺序排序; 因此,P1在P2之前按字母顺序排列,P2在P3之前。然而,如上所述,ABBA-BABA测试基于P1和P2是姊妹物种的假设。当计算给定三个物种的D-统计量时,Dsuite首先重新排列分配给P1,P2和P3的物种(因此ABBA,BABA和BBAA位点的数量也重新排列),这是根据某些规则:


less samples__Dmin.txt


 P1      P2      P3      Dstatistic      p-value
  altfas  neocan  neobri  0.493787        0
  neobri  neochi  altfas  0.00885755      0.3836
  neocra  neobri  altfas  0.0372849       0.013765
  neogra  neobri  altfas  0.0184394       0.258714
  neohel  neobri  altfas  0.0448571       0.113967
  neomar  neobri  altfas  0.0679957       0.0195241
  neooli  neobri  altfas  0.0662179       0.0133793
  neopul  neobri  altfas  0.0470166       0.10957
  neosav  neobri  altfas  0.0338796       0.103889
  neowal  neobri  altfas  0.0172581       0.266909
  neobri  telvit  altfas  0.0203511       0.199163
  altfas  neocan  neochi  0.481745        0
  altfas  neocan  neocra  0.491942        0
  altfas  neocan  neogra  0.497877        0
  altfas  neocan  neohel  0.501518        0
  altfas  neocan  neomar  0.492416        0
  altfas  neocan  neooli  0.504355        0

如标题行所示,第四列现在显示每一个给定三个物种的的D-统计量,第五列显示基于对D = 0 的零假设的归一化的p值。


cat samples__combine.txt | grep altfas | grep neocan | grep neobri
cat samples__Dmin.txt | grep altfas | grep neocan | grep neobri
cat samples__BBAA.txt | grep altfas | grep neocan | grep neobri


altfas  neobri  neocan  1378.2  13479.6 4066.95
altfas  neocan  neobri  0.493787    0
altfas  neocan  neobri  0.493787    0

这里简单解析一下结果,首先samples__combine.txt品种名字母排序的方式与其它两个文件有点不同,P1在三个文件中保持相同(“altfas”),但是P2和P3的顺序被交换了(“neocan”和“neobri”)。此交换还暗示ABBA,BABA和BBAA模式的计数相应地交换。因此在交换之后并且P1 =“altfas”,P2 =“neocan”,P3 =“neobri”,计数如下:C-ABBA = 4066.95,C-BABA = 1378.2,C-BBAA = 13479.6。因此,“neocan”和“neobri”共享4066.95个衍生位点,“altfas”和“neobri”共享1378.2个衍生位站,“altfas”和“neocan”共享13479.6个衍生位站。有了这些数量,D=(4066.95 - 1378.2)/(4066.95 + 1378.2)= 0.493787。这个数字与Dsuite在这两个文件(samples__Dmin.txtsamples__BBAA.txt。)生成的报告一致。


cat samples__combine.txt | grep neobri | grep neocra | grep neogra
cat samples__Dmin.txt | grep neobri | grep neocra | grep neogra
cat samples__BBAA.txt | grep neobri | grep neocra | grep neogra


neobri  neocra  neogra  3788.23 3552.38 2992.93
neogra  neocra  neobri  0.0321294   0.145298
neocra  neobri  neogra  0.0854723   8.58201e-07

文件中的结果samples__BBAA.txt表明,当P1 =“neocra”,P2 =“neobri”,P3 =“neogra”时,则C-BBAA = 3788.23,C-ABBA = 3552.38,C-BABA = 2992.93,因此D =(3552.38 - 2992.93)/(3552.38 + 2992.93)= 0.0854723。

然而,文件中的结果samples__Dmin.txt显示,这次发生了另一次重新排列(因此C-BBAA不大于其他两个计数的重新排列)产生较低的D-统计:P1 =“neogra”,P2 =“neocra” ,并且P3 =“neobri”,则C-BBAA = 2992.93,C-ABBA = 3788.23,并且C-BABA = 3552.38,因此D =(3788.23-3552.38)/(3788.23 + 3552.38)= 0.0321294。

这说明了D-min值,报告了可能的最低D值对于给定三物种的统计,有时选择该三个物种的重新排列,其中P1和P2实际上彼此共享较少的派生位点,而不是它们两者与P3共享。这与ABBA-BABA测试的原始假设相冲突,即P1和P2彼此之间的关系比P3更紧密。在解释Dsuite分析的结果时,应该记住,在文件中报告的D min值__Dmin.txt实际上是D -statistic的保守估计文件中报告的值以__BBAA.txt结尾为基础,这些值基于确保C-BBAA > C-ABBA > C-BABA的重新排列,通常可以更好地测量D -statistic,但是,最好的选择可能是使用--tree选项运行分析,提供一个输入树,直接告诉Dsuite如何重新排列所有三个物种,这部分就留下次再讲吧,要不然信息量太大大家也不好吸收。

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